invoice box (发票盒子) - Automatically collect and sort your invoices.
"Invoice Box" (发票盒子) automates invoice extraction from emails, texts, and links. It uses AI to remove duplicates, categorize, and store them in a structured way. When reimbursement is needed, it will automatically calculates and fills out expense reports.
MechMath - A good-looking, easy to use calculator APP for iPhone&iPad
Since the iPad doesn't come with a calculator APP, and I couldn't find a good-looking one in the App Store, I decided to build my own. I had no programming experience and spent a few months learning to use SwiftUI to make this APP. I hope you like it.
Qi FM - Focus and Relax Sounds (Mac) - Focus and Relax with Amazing Sounds on Your Mac
Qi FM is an elegant white noise and ambient sounds player. It helps you isolate noise, focus on your work, boost your productivity, relieve stress and anxiety, help you relax, help you get better sleep, improve your mind peace, help you meditate...