maran nelson

Coordination for others by Clara - Recruiting coordination for candidates and interviewers


The Clara team just launched coordination for others! This launch supports critical recruiting workflows, like when it’s time for a candidate to connect with an interviewer on your team.

Getting started is simple. Just send an email introducing an interviewer to a candidate, and Cc Clara to find time for the two to talk. Clara will get the interviewer and candidate’s availability, find a time that works, and send them both calendar invitations.

Clara moves candidates through your pipeline faster, without sacrificing their experience. You and your candidates can talk to Clara naturally—Clara will do the same.

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How would you say Clara is differentiated from's Amy?
maran nelson
@_sklahr_ hi there! Great question. Clara's focus is on B2B teams that demand uniquely high conversational reliability, data visibility, and workflow integration. We've prioritized our roadmap accordingly. More broadly, I think you can learn a lot about the strengths and weaknesses of different products by knowing who their users are. Many superficially similar services are dramatically different behind the curtain, based on the customers each team focused on serving!
Anurag Goel
This is the perfect enterprise use case for Clara! Next: ATS integrations.
maran nelson
@anuraggoel you betcha! We have several recruiting-focused launches pending...