maran nelson

Clara + Greenhouse - Teams using Greenhouse can have Clara schedule interviews


As of today, Clara can schedule interviews for teams using Greenhouse!

Your team can select a template that engages Clara, make edits, and hit send. From there, Clara will handle all the scheduling logistics—getting the candidate’s availability, comparing calendars, sending calendar invitations, and taking care of requests to reschedule.

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Erik Torenberg
Congrats @maran and @akilian on the launch / partnership - how did this come about?
maran nelson
@maran @akilian @eriktorenberg Thanks Erik! While our R&D years were spent working on Clara's core language platform, the team's sights have always been set on integrating more deeply into customer workflows. Greenhouse is a much-anticipated integration for us, and the teams that depend on Clara. For startups, recruiters, and executives, scheduling candidate interviews is a big time investment. Oftentimes a detail gets overlooked and slows down the team's hiring process, or hurts the candidate experience. We knew we'd need to become fully integrated into the Greenhouse ecosystem to really help teams grow, and keep better track of their data as they do so. We're excited to connect with more systems of record in the coming months and years!
Pame Valdés
This is super awesome!!! Excited about this... Any news on when you're planning to launch clara in Spanish? :)
maran nelson
@pamevls Sadly we don't have immediate plans to support Spanish. We'll keep you in the loop on it! Appreciate the enthusiasm.
maran nelson
Hey Product Hunters! So excited to be back here. Modern people-management workflows straddle a lot of cloud based tools -- from e-mail/calendar systems to applicant tracking systems to CRMs to conference rooms to web-conferencing systems. As of today Clara elegantly operates across all of these systems with the announcement of our 3 new integrations, of which Greenhouse is shared above! We'd love to get your take on where you think Clara should integrate next, and answer any questions you have about how we've prioritized the integrations we've done to date. Thanks as ever for your support and enthusiasm for the work we're doing! It means a lot.
Ayush Jaiswal
Congrats @maran! This is exciting.