Arjun Moorthy

News Search by The Factual - Politically diverse and highly credible search results

Don’t trust Google to give you unbiased news? The Factual ranks articles based on credibility rather than popularity and adds context to search results: article ratings, political leaning, story summaries, and more. You can even filter out paywalled articles.

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Jenny Sahng
This is fascinating. I just tried searching `india heat waves` and was very impressed with the results. I also really love the summarised highlights, score details, as well as the source bias. Also love your `Under-reported` section! Will definitely be making this a part of my search toolbox.
Arjun Moorthy
@jenny_sahng Wow, thanks so much Jenny! Delighted to hear your positive experience
Arjun Moorthy
Everything today seems politicized - science, healthcare, even sports! But if you're like us and just want the facts, that's increasingly hard to come by as Google's opaque approach can seem one-sided at times or, even worse, just not credible. We built The Factual's search to make it easy to find the most credible stories across the political spectrum using a transparent ratings approach that prioritizes expertise rather than popularity. Hope you find this useful. Feedback is appreciated! PS: If you're curious about the ratings algorithm, more details are available here:
Phillip Meylan
As someone who does online research frequently and relies heavily on news articles, this search function is excellent for exploring a wide range of high-quality content at the click of a button. Google is fine, but when searching on news topics, it's not always clear to the reader who you are likely to see first or how reliable each site will be. This search function by The Factual represents an exciting tool and a big improvement in that regard!
Arjun Moorthy
@pmeylan Thanks Phil! Delighted to see the search is useful for your work.
Rich Taylor
Nice idea Arjun! We needed this at the start of the pandemic! Good luck with it 👍🏼
Arjun Moorthy
@flying_hacker Thanks Rich! I'm kicking myself for not exposing our search engine like so earlier in the pandemic. Hopefully better late than never.
Deepa Daryanani
This looks so cool! As a current Factual newsletter reader, I love this option. What's the best way to get to the news search? Through the website? Will there be a link in the newsletter?
Arjun Moorthy
@deepad The website ( is the best way as the search box is present on every page. The newsletter links to the website as well. The app has search as well (though it needs an update that goes out in a couple days).
Jai Gaikwad
Thanks for adding the search feature, The Factual team! A much needed improvement.
Cody Kutzer
I love the transparency of this. How many different news sites are included in the grades? How are they chosen?
Arjun Moorthy
@ckutzer Over 2000 sources are graded and our index is about 10 million articles now. We selected the sources based on various lists of news organizations - established and up-and-coming. As we get requests for new sites we evaluate and add to our crawler.
Gavin Delany
I love The Factual. Its my best news source, though I do still use Google Discover for news too. But for real news, The Factual is my go to. Great product, great features, great mission. We need more people to care about facts in the news and this is one of the best and easiest ways I know of to be both informed and clarify our understanding of 'truth' in the world and be responsible in transmitting factual and nuanced perspectives through our interactions with others. Thanks @juicemoorthy
Mike Volpe
Another way to get news with a filter for bias and ability to see multiple views on an issue! Bravo!! 👏
Jarrod Kailef
I've been using The Factual since August of 2020. They've been constantly improving over time, but I've got to say, this new search feature is literally something the world has never seen before. I really appreciate being able to dig down into a specific news subject that I want to learn more about, and know that I'm getting factual data. This search tool lets me clearly see and understand both sides of a divisive argument, with the articles significantly free of spin. This is a unique capability, as far as I am aware. Besides The Factual, I haven't seen this feature offered by any news aggregator in the world. Plus, being able to filter out news stories that are hidden behind paywalls means that I know that every article I see in my search results, I can read without interference.
Arjun Moorthy
@jarrod_kailef Thanks so much Jarrod. Appreciate your long standing support of The Factual
Anand Rajaram
As a long time user and subscriber. I love the “under reported” stories a lot, and this new addition is amazing. I hadn’t been up to speed on the Disney vs Florida topic, and when there was enough chatter I searched for that and got a rich collection of articles from all sides that helped me form an informed perspective. Love it.
Arjun Moorthy
@anandrajaram That's great to hear! Thank you.
Brent Alvord
Looks really interesting. Will check it out. While I don't always (or maybe even rarely) agree with the other side of an issue, I do commonly want to see / read them to understand that viewpoint -- yet, I really don't want to give some of these outlets the clicks 🙂. This could help!
Arjun Moorthy
@brent_alvord I hear you Brent. Our ratings aim to surface well-researched, minimally opinionated, writing from across the political spectrum so you will see less extremist viewpoint and hopefully develop a more rounded understanding of issues. Look forward to any feedback you have.
Natalie Sergeychik
The idea is brilliant, hope that realization - too. Defiantly will try! Good luck!
Venugopal Ramakrishna
Been subscribed for a while and love the newsletter. Best way I've found of getting the most relevant news and also different POVs. Love this new feature.
Arjun Moorthy
@remoov Thanks very much Luis!
Steven Benson
Exited to try this out guys! I've been a paid customer for a few years of their flagship product, and I don't think there is a better way to ingest the news of the world these days. It makes sense that you could take the same algo and do this.
Christopher Andrew
Love the newsletter and love this natural progression to add search! Excited to see this as an alternative to Google News
James Thai
The Factual newsletter is my number one daily news feed so this is a great extension of the technology behind it! Surfacing the bias and credibility really helps when looking news critically (something I'd never thought would be so important, but here we are with the media landscape these days)