Jack Smith

Chronos - Turn any watch into a smartwatch


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This looks really interesting, but if we have the technology to stuff all of this functionality into such a thin disk, why can’t we put it into a thin bracelet, like this: Also, why no photos from the side so we can see exactly how thick this thing is?
Good product but I feel like the website lacks information in showcasing the actual product and what it does.
Jack Smith
these guys went through the Highway1 incubator and were getting quite a lot of interest on Hacker News yesterday.
Joshua Pinter
Interesting. But... getting a vibration or a glowing LED without seeing what the notification is defeats a lot of the value of getting a notification on your wrist. So, it's primary value is as an activity tracker, and there's already a number of devices that might not slap to your watch but are just as discrete.
Joshua Pinter
@eliservescent Hardly. First off, I take my watch off when I sleep, I never took off my FitBit (pre Apple Watch). Secondly, I have multiple watches based on the occasion so I would have to slap this piece of kit to whatever watch I'm currently wearing anyway (again, pre Apple Watch).
Elisa Jo Harkness
@joshuapinter Good point re: taking it off when you sleep. I generally have only one watch in rotation, though, and am a fan of a super-minimal routine, so for me it's still more appealing than e.g. the Misfit Shine, which, even if it can clip inside my shirt or somewhere so it doesn't disrupt my look, is still one more thing I have to think about before I've had coffee. Does seem like the single-watch use case is crucial here.
Mark Nichol
@joshuapinter Mark from Chronos here. We believe that what you wear on your body shouldn't distract you - you already have a cellphone that beeps and buzzes for every message you want. RE: notifications - we've worked hard to help you easily filter your notifications that come to your Chronos to just the things you care about so you can stay more engaged in your day to day life. We filter notifications with unique vibration and optional light patterns for your key contacts (we recommend 3-5), phone calls and favorite apps. Our vibration patterns are so unique that you will quickly learn to differentiate them, so you will know who's contacting you or what app is sending you a notification. It's pretty fun to try out and it's amazing how quickly you can learn to differentiate the notifications.
Manu Vollens
I totally believe in this new opportunity field of just adding tech to existing products. The Smart Wheel from FlyFly, the Emberlight socket, ... are other great examples. Let's call them Product Transformers. Still waiting for the Smart Thermostat Battery :) btw I've started a collection >> https://www.producthunt.com/@man...
Mark Nichol
Hi Everyone - this is Mark from Chronos - thanks for all the great up votes and including us on Product Hunt. A little more about us and our product: here at Chronos, we're motivated by the principle that wearable technology must enhance your life without disrupting it, the Chronos disc, seamlessly integrates modern notification and tracking technology with the watches you’ve always loved to wear. To that end, we've designed Chronos to be the thinnest wearable device in the world (less than 3mm thin), so it provides great functionality that will never interfere with the look or feel of your watch. It’s an adaptable design, you can easily transfer Chronos from any watch in your collection and the micro-suction adhesive can be used over and over again and leaves no sticky residue on your watch. Finally, Chronos fits on over 80% of watches sold today and every watch on the top 20 best sellers list - so chances are extremely high that Chronos will work for your watch! We can't wait to get Chronos on your favorite timepiece!
Greg Gilbert
This is very cool! Something I've been considering building several times. I'd love to know more about the history behind this project.
Mohammad Azib
This is pretty compelling. Are there any plans for more advanced sensors to be built in, if possible?
Soumitra Sengupta
Impressive. Waiting for the product to launch.
David Carpe
brilliant! in an era of smart watches, real watches still rule - just got my boys two beautiful ones for my wedding - of course, the only concern I have is what effect this will have on already adjusted bands! my guess is that a link may have to go back in...can't wait to get two of these!
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
This could be a perfect product for people who wear watches and are interested in a fitness tracker+. Obs does not make your watch into an actual smart watch, a comparison that the positioning invites. Now if they could get a touch screen on there....
Elaine Lu
Like the plug and play function. Reduce the concern of charging it every night or often as you can use it when you need it. However, the price is not very appealing and the website doesn't show use cases (really need a good video to learn about the product). Make me hesitate whether to order it.
Hugo Di Francesco
I like this :) Means I can have a watch that lasts for a long time and the smart features that... well... are good to have but you know, last a day maybe ;)
Kumar Thangudu
Charging this thing every 3 days could get annoying really fast depending on how many SMS you get.