Blake Wisz

ChompQRme - One link and QR code for your audience to find your content


Use ChompQRme in all your channels to connect with your audience. From all your social channels to recent campaigns or business info. Share it all with our seamless and free platform.

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Dennis R.
All the very best @blakewisz
Blake Wisz
@teamideaonce thank you so much for the upvote and comment. Hopefully, you grab a free account too and the word can spread!
Dennis R.
@blakewisz I tried chompqr,first of all I liked the simplicity of the application. I liked the ui/ux. I understood the flow withing minutes. But there seems to be some problem with the signup process right now. I am not getting the account activation email from chompqr. but I am able to generate a qr code for me. Loved this powerful tool.
Blake Wisz
@teamideaonce Hi Dennis, thank you for pointing this error out. I was wondering if there might have been some issue with the sign up process. We've seen a jump from you guys touring the site and signing up. I'll work on this issue asap!
Blake Wisz
@teamideaonce this issue has been resolved. Thanks Dennis for your input.
@blakewisz goodluck!
Blake Wisz
@dlwlrma_kr all the best to you as well. Thank you so much.
This is just a $60 script, really @producthunt ? google "quickvcard". jesus
Blake Wisz
I have worked in Marketing for 10 years and have a passion for networking. ChompQR started by helping restaurants build mobile menus and providing QR codes. Seeing the need for people to continue to connect quickly and with a contactless solution ChompQRme for individuals, influencers, and businesses started. My goal is to create a fun and attractive brand and continue to build on this base feature platform.
Blake Wisz
We've gotten some great feedback in the last few days and our team is at work to implement and execute. Keep Chompin!
Blake Wisz
Heyo! We added "views" to the dashboard for additional analytics on how many people are viewing your ChompQRme page.
Blake Wisz
You now can see traffic to your ChompQRme profile by today, week, and overall this includes both your scans and link visits.