Peter Merrill

Chomp Food & Nutrition Database - API for grocery products, branded foods, & raw ingredients.


The Chomp Food & Nutrition Database API provides access to over 27 million unique data points for 875,000+ grocery products, branded foods, and raw ingredients in the United States and from all around the world. Our API is OpenAPI compliant.

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Dale Cudmore
1. What made you want to do this? 2. How is this different than the other X nutrition databases out there? 3. Are you able to share at all the approach you took to gather the data?
Peter Merrill
@dale_cudmore @Kuro1 This really started as a passion project. My wife and I went vegan a few years ago and found it difficult to determine if a food was vegan or not, especially while grocery shopping. She gave me the idea to make a platform that checks ingredients and tells you if the food is compatible with your diet (vegan, vegetarian, gluten free) or contains any ingredients you want to avoid. I think one of the main differences is that this database contains foods from all around the world. A lot of the other databases are specific to the country. I think another big benefit is that people using the API can access the diet labels and get a list of individual ingredients that aren’t compatible with certain diets.
Dale Cudmore
@petemerrill It took me a while to realize that this page linked to your API page, and not the homepage where the message is much clearer. As a fellow vegan, I wish you luck.
Peter Merrill
@dale_cudmore Oh! That makes sense. I don’t see any way that I can change how the link appears. I agree that it is confusing. Thanks!
Peter Merrill
Hey everyone! Thanks for checking my product out. I started working on Chomp back in 2018 and have been chipping away at it ever since. I'm extremely proud to be launching a competely redesigned website and API. AMA.
Michael Gill
This one definitely caught my eye. Great product you've got here! I can't imagine how much work it took to gather all of that data (and keep it updated). Are there any plans to include data on where to source the food/brands/ingredients?
Peter Merrill
@gill_works Thanks for the compliment! It has taken quite a while to gather all of the data and make it useful. I learn something new almost every day! Are you asking how you can access the data? If so, you can sign up for a subscription on the home page. Just click the “Start Free Trial” button for the plan that works for you.
Edward Pedro
I think this a great database to have especially of those who are tracking what they are eating. I know the struggle of googling products and still not knowing and data on it. I could see this product being used in those associated in physical activities.
Peter Merrill
@edward_pedro Thanks! I know what you mean. Hopefully you find my platform useful!
Doris Lam
Excited to start using it!
Peter Merrill
@yappynono Let me know if you have any questions!
Josh Choi
Wow, I CANNOT wait to try this out. Is there a way I can contact you? I have a few questions I'd love to ask. Also, will you be adding example projects for your SDKs on Git?
Peter Merrill
@joshua_m_choi Hey! Feel free to get in touch through the contact page. The SDKs are a new feature so there aren't any example projects available yet.
Josh Gachnang
This looks really good, and possibly enough for me to switch my meal planning app AvoToast away from FatSecret. The pricing looks really great! A couple questions: 1. Where do you source your data? 2. What's your caching policy? I see a red X in the feature comparison, but FatSecret has a "you must fetch at least every 24 hours" policy with some fields explicitly cacheable for the any amount of time (just IDs basically). 3. FatSecret has a startup plan for like 2 years. Any plans for something similar? Thank you!
Peter Merrill
@servercobra Hey! Good questions. 1. The raw, generic, and some of the branded foods are from the USDA database. This only makes up about 300,000 of the 875,000 foods though. The rest are sourced from various third-parties, manually entered, etc. All of the data is audited and formatted. 2. The Premium plan is the only plan that allows caching and storage. There are edge-cases that are allowed so you may want to get in touch through the contact page. 3. The Limited, Standard, and Premium plans are the only options right now. I’m definitely not opposed to coming up with a custom solution though. My recommendation is that you get in touch and tell us what you need. We’re pretty flexible! Hopefully this helps.
Jens Jetzki
@servercobra in case that you want to expand your product also to Europe with European products, check out our EinkaufsCHECK database.