Hey 👋🏻 I'm Gavin, the creator of Cheddar! It's funny, most of my app ideas have come out of little scripts I made to solve my own needs. This is no exception. I wanted to budget easily from Google Sheets (while being too lazy to manually enter transactions). What started out as a half-assed Python script is now a full-blown product. Sheesh the internet is neat. I hope it frees you of the minty budget cruft that's currently out there.
@desi_saran Your transactions are imported automatically! Cheddar connects to a service that authenticates your bank account securely. Then when new transactions are posted, we update your Google Sheet for you 🎉
@desi_saran Thanks for upgrading! It looks like you have several accounts connected already; they should all be in your Google Sheet. I'll reach out via email so we can troubleshoot privately 👍🏻
I was at first dubious of the idea that it would output to Google Sheets, since I can do that on my own, but after trying it out, it feels like magic, and the categorization of transactions is way easier in a spreadsheet than it in in something like Mint. Nice work!
What a great app. I do all my budgeting in sheets since I find it easier to manipulate and understand the data and I like accessing it from any device.
This tool makes the budgeting I was already doing much easier and helped me coach my wife through setting up her own budget!
I'm totally into manipulating my own budget data! I find I do most budgeting from desktop though, I don't think Sheets mobile app is great on phone. Good in a pinch I guess. Stoked to hear you're helping your wife get into it! Thanks @ccarella!
Looks like a useful service to make the whole process of budgeting easier, will try it out! Few small tips here too in context that might improve your landing page -- https://app.usebubbles.com/afa4f...
@tom4 Thanks Tom! I'll admit I'm not amazing at landing pages (or marketing in general). I love the programming, not so good at the other parts yet 😅 I'll check out those tips.
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