xkcd styled chart library

One Goal โ€” Makes your goal more visible by showing it on the menu bar

I am a forgetful person. Many times after I open my MacBook and scan some news, I totally forget what I initially try to accomplish. I want to build a simple tool to display my current goal on the menu bar
Mateusz Zarรณd
What if I have two goals ? :D I am also fogetfull and I really like working on one thing, but rarely I have one and only one goal
@mateusz_zarod1 I highly recommend focusing on one goal at a time, but if you want to see two goals badly, you can install two OneGoals on your Mac ๐Ÿ˜…
Bappy Golder
Getting a bug while installing on iMac. Any special instructions?
Benoit Chambon
Very smart!!! I'll give it a try, thank you so much for sharing! :)
Glen Creaser
So simple and I love it! Will give this a try for sure.
Tommy Jepsen
Brilliant! And thanks for open-sourcing it.
Jaisal Rathee
I needed this ๐Ÿ˜‚ Congrats on the launch!
I read "HackerNews Daily RSS" every week, it is a product I want. ๐Ÿ˜€
Sergey Karelin
It's look very usefull. I like it!