@hugojmd@bentossell@ow I had FB till I was about 24 and grew it to the then limit of 5,000 friends, it was awful and when I was 25 I deleted the account. Fast forward 5 years: last summer a woman I was on a date with told me she thought it was odd I didn't have FB. That spurred me to create an account that I keep to very very close friends (about 60 people only) and it's much more manageable.
@bentossell a bunch of really great stuff in this week's episode for sure! The biggest talking points are Yahoo's merging into Verizon and what it's really about – metadata. Verizon wants to be the biggest, creepiest ad network in the world... so acquiring Yahoo lets it do exactly that. Oh, and yes, John is leaving Twitter and has some great reasons for it: mostly relating to how succint the service can be, and how it sucks up your life :)
@ow some interesting comments. Agree about twitter, its easy for people to abuse, and with the high noise to signal ratio, tough to find useful content without a lot of maintenance. Twitter is of course aware of these things, but whether they can fix them remains to be seen. I built CityBee chat to try to bring useful discussion back to the community. I'd be interested to know your thoughts on it.
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