Kevin, thank you so much for this 2.0 hunt.
Caylent is a container management platform that helps software teams deploy containers, clouds, and microservices. We're a converged solution that lets Devs and Ops easily collaborate and deploy infrastructure and containers inside their own cloud provider.
We re-built everything from the ground up around Docker Swarm, which is a fantastic container orchestration engine.
There are a ton of new features in this 2.0 release:
- Support for Microsoft Azure (experimental)
- Continuous Delivery tags and regex patterns
- Independently autoscaled Docker Swarm master and worker tiers
- Ability to create teams and invite users (experimental)
- SSH User Access Management via Github
- Support for DockerHub to pull down private images
- Improved UX with a brand new quickstart 'App Wizard' and lots of tweaks
- Many, many more
We're still in beta and it's totally free to use right now. Happy to answer questions from the community.
API Fortress