Effortless calling by Facebook
Jake Crump

CatchUp — Effortless calling by Facebook

Catching up has never been this easy. See who’s available and effortlessly join one-on-one and group calls. Never play phone tag or make an appointment to call someone again. Keep in touch more, think about it less. Any time you’re free to talk, CatchUp!
Ryan Hoover
So many people blindly give Facebook 💩 for experimenting with new ideas. It's still a team of people trying to build something people want. You don't have to use it or like it. 😀
@rrhoover * It's like condemning or discounting an entire org/company/country. Within any org/company/country there are people striving to do good regardless of the situation. I know good people, still doing good work inside FB.
Beto Frega
@rrhoover Precisely! If people want to give all their personal information to a corporate behemoth with absolutely no ethics, why don't we just let them? It's ridiculous to even talk about it! *sarcasm included*
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Facebook's answer to Clubhouse? Audio-only is definitely making a resurgence!
Lizzie MacNeill
Are calls cool again? I can definitely see using this. Would be neat if this feature was embedded into WhatsApp too.
Seb Jachec
🚩 Made by Facebook (subject to their usual ToS & data policy), US-only, no word on end-to-end encryption or whether your contact list is uploaded/mined
Hayden Evans
Gather round kids, another outlet for unchecked misinformation and propaganda from your friends at Facebook - just in time for another election cycle! Seriously though, fuck Facebook, and honestly fuck anyone working at Facebook that is knowingly and actively building the propaganda for profit operation that is upending stable democracies worldwide. You are part of the problem at this point.
Mr. T
Forced notifications? Man, that's some preferential treatment by Apple cus 4.5.4 of the app store guidelines: Push Notifications must not be required for the app to function, and should not be used to send sensitive personal or confidential information... In general, I don't knock on something I don't try. But forcing me to enable notifications and forcing me to release my address book in order to try the app is a bit extreme.
Today’s big fanfare for something that will be forgotten by the team it’s available in my country. Next!
Am I the only one who is not able to log in?? Keeps giving an error when trying to get the verification code 👎🏽
George Apostolov
Facebook is so innovative and creating tomorrow. Such a good original idea. How nobody else thought about another jump COVID Bandwagon product to help us connect better. I feel much more connected just by seeing it was made by Facebook.
Peter Keating
Looks like a great product - only bummer is this feels like a CLONE of a startup I was watching out of LA TTYL... - brutal competition!
?makers Is this going to be an iOS only app or is Android in the works?
Scott Abromowitz
@topazdoorway looks like there is one for Android too.
Andrew Blanchard
This looks really interesting. We recently developed a similar platform and application called re/Connect, with a focus on leveraging technology to help people communicate and deepen their connections vs. using technology, as the medium for communication. (i.e Automating Phone calls vs. Facebook Post). @rrhoover - It is cool to see them trying new stuff. It will be an interesting experiment for Facebook to see, if and how, people adopt this behavioral shift vs. just posting blindly to their "Friends".
Matt G.
I love that they’re trying new things. I don’t love that I’m the product for the things they build.
Seb Jachec
@iwaffles Exactly. And I don't love that by me not using their product, other people who do could still unknowingly hand over data on me if their phone contact list got uploaded for example. The store listing mentioned location access too for some reason?
Abdulrahman Sankary
acully someone has bin calling me how was that ? Hwo ever was that pleas call me again.
Abdulrahman Sankary
how's your day going ?
Francisco Llamar
This looks really great, I'm interested.
Nikki Shah
@franciscollamar Excited for you to try it!
Abdulrahman Sankary
Hi how are you