Chris Messina

Job Tracker 2.0 by Teal - Track and organize your job search in one place, for free

Top Hunter

Teal’s Job Tracker is the most efficient & fun way to manage a job search. Easily save jobs from sites like LinkedIn and Indeed with our Chrome Extension. Organize your search, track your progress, and land the perfect job.

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Dave Fano
👋 Hi ProductHunt Community!! Dave here, Founder of Teal. Thanks to @chrismessina for hunting Teal's Job Tracker 2.0 (and Job Tracker 1.0)! 📌 The backstory - Most of the tools out there to manage the hiring process are built for companies and not individuals. We wanted to level the playing field. So, we built a tool to solve these pains and improve the job search process for everyone. 🔓 Our biggest change - The newest way we've leveled the playing field? We've made Teal's Job Tracker 100% free, forever. Accessibility is important to us, and now everyone can use Teal's Job Tracker. ➡️ Get the Job Tracker for here: 📥 Save roles from all the job boards to one place - Our Chrome extension allows you to instantly save jobs from all the major job boards straight to your Job Tracker dashboard so you can easily see all of the jobs you've saved. . 🥊 Beat the Job Search process - Everyone knows you need an optimized resume to get noticed. We analyze job descriptions and highlight the keywords/skills you should consider adding to your resume to get it to the top of the pile. 🗂 Keep in touch with people throughout your search - After saving a job, you can keep all of your notes, contact information, and activity linked directly to that position. ⭐️ What's new in Job Tracker 2.0? ⭐️ 🖥 We’ve done a complete UI overhaul 📗 The Chrome extension now works seamlessly on 24 job boards! 📈 Personalized dashboard to see your job searching stats improve as you use the tool. ✅ Checklist of items at every stage. Mark tasks complete and stay on top of your job search. 💥 Export your job searching history for unemployment verification. ✉️ Communication templates for follow-ups, referrals, and more. 🤖 Automated monitoring of job listings to check whether it's online or offline. ➡️ Get the Job Tracker for here: 🚀 We’re excited for you to try our new and improved Job Tracker, and we hope that this tool will empower you to grow your career. Know someone in your network who is job searching or planning to? Share it with them! 💚 The Teal Team and I are beyond thankful to our amazing and supportive Teal community dedicated to helping each other to grow their careers. Without the incredible amount of feedback and support we wouldn't be here today. 🙏 Thanks so much, 🌱 Dave & Teal Team
Vincent Phamvan
The chrome extension is a game changer for anyone in a job search. I can’t imagine organizing a job search without this.
Dave Fano
@vphamvan Thanks Vince!!
Trace Cohen
Wow 1.0 was so helpful with my job search - looking forward to using 2.0 to make it easier!
Dave Fano
@trace_cohen Thanks Trace! You're support has been invaluable!
Lara Perlstein
This platform is so helpful for staying organized during your job search - can't wait to see where it goest next!
Dave Fano
@lara_perlstein You're the best Lara!!
Kenny Soto
I've been following Teal since I was introduced to it by Amanda Goetz. Glad to see this update!
Dave Fano
@kennysoto_nyc Thanks Kenny!! Appreciate the support!
Keith Gould
Showed this to my friend who was job hunting and she flipped out -- said it was so helpful.
Dave Fano
@keith_gould Thanks!
Rob Kleiman
This is a huge win for job seekers. Great features, great team behind the tool as well. The application fills a gap for sure.
Dave Fano
@rob_kleiman Thanks so much Rob!!
Eamon JL Wood
Before the Teal Job Tracker I was building spreadsheets, keeping notes in word documents, my process was a bit of a mess. This tool has allowed me to streamline how I job hunt, apply, and keep track of my search. The original was fantastic I can't wait to start working in version 2.0. Congratulations to the whole team, this is a tool every job seeker needs.
Dave Fano
@eamonjlwood Thanks so much Eamon!!! Appreciate the support!
Santiago Camelo
When I joined Teal some time ago (for community and tools) it was amazing to see everyday changes and updates even I get the PRO membership... moving towards a Free Forever is incredible!!! Having all this tools, content, the empowering community now available to everyone is a really bold move and I'm really glad that more people tries Teal! Congrats Dave and Team!! 🎉 🚀
Dave Fano
@trikanna Thank you Santiago!
Deanna Mullennax
Just starting to explore 2.0 but can already tell, it’s a game changer!
Dave Fano
@paige_ofall_trades Thanks Deanna!! So much work went into it! I hope you like it!
Bobby Ghoshal
Teal is one of those products that makes you say "how has this not existed before?" excellent team, excellent product. Don't underestimate the impact of organized job-tracking to put you back in control of your job search, it's a little-big detail that really pushes the needle in the end.
Dave Fano
@ghoshal Thanks Bobby!!!
Cesar Romero
The first step to an effective job search is to get organized - Teal's Job Tracker helps YOU do that and more. Know exactly where you are with every job application and measure your progress (or roadblocks) along the way. I wish I had this tool back when I was job searching myself. Go get it and try it out yourself!
Dave Fano
@iamcesarromero86 Thanks so much Cesar and for every thing you do for the community!
Veronika Nesheva
This sounds super useful! Congrats on the launch guys! Gathering data in general is painful and I can imagine it's even worse when it comes to job searching. I already use various chrome extensions for different data gathering use cases and they are absolute miracle workers & save me tonnes of time. Will share the tool with any job hunting friends. :) Congrats again! 👏
Dave Fano
@veronica_nesheva Thank you Veronika!! We totally agree and are huge fans of extension too!
Dimitri Marko
Making life easier for jobseekers.. as a former TAtech industry actor, I can only applaud you guy!!
Dave Fano
@sofo_insights Thanks Dimitri! We think about time someone does!!!
Zach Grumet
I love the programs that Teal runs. I really should start utilizing the job tracker in my search
Dave Fano
@zach_grumet Hey Zach! Never too late! Happy to help get you started if that helps!
Mohamed Aboshihata
@davidfano congrats to you & the team at @teal_hq You've removed the blocker of tracking with 1.0 in this version you've also removed the blocker of initiating a contact which is crucial in a successful job search. On to 3.0 :)
Dave Fano
@teal_hq @mid0 Thanks Moe!! Appreciate all your feedback!!
Liam Walsh
Without question, Teal's Job Tracker is the best solution for managing your job search. Well done, Dave and team!
Dave Fano
@liamwalsh2 Thanks Liam!!
Bilal Chaglani
Been there, but din't have this. Great work makers!!
Dave Fano
@bilal_chaglani Thanks Bilal!
Brian F
As someone currently looking for a job, Job Tracker 2.0 by Teal makes things WAY EASIER. It's an easy way to stay organized with the overwhelming job search process. My favorite features are the checklist so you can track where you are on each step of the process, the communication templates, and being able to add a job from your favorite job site with just one click. I highly recommend this for all job seekers and everything else Teal has to offer. - Brian Farello
Dave Fano
@brianchase28 Thanks Brian!! So happy it's helping!!
Laurie Oken
I've been using @teal_hq job Job tracker since the awesome team of @davidfano and @Eric at Teal developed it! It's a job searcher's dream for efficiency!
Dave Fano
@teal_hq @eric @laoken Thank you for all your support Laurie!!!