How are there not more comments on this?! More like if you're a HUMAN you've heard of cards against humanity! Twisted AF, great drinking game. Probably the most entertaining card games out there... caution: if you play with friends, you won't look at them the same way...
If you're using the internet, you've probably heard of CAH. But it's a whole lot of fun, and @maxtempkin + co. are always doing fun things like, sending people literal bullshit, or raising the price of the game for their black Friday "sale." You can keep up with everything on their blog:
I was first introduced to Cards Against Humanity a few years back when I visited friends in Canada. It is by far the ultimate party game for 4-8 (horrible) people, and a great way to break the ice when you're meeting new people.
Upon returning to Australia I tracked down an imported US edition (Because CAH were "too fat and lazy American" to release an AU one at that point) and when the AU edition came out I got that too. Lots of awesome Australian in-jokes like "Didgeridildo" and "Summoning Harold Holt from the sea in a time of need" (Our Australian Prime Minister who drowned in the ocean... who has had local swimming pools named after him - Straya!).
Every few weeks my friends and I will play a game of Cocktails Against Humanity, and after a drunken night of cards I ended up buying all of the official expansion packs, so there's always lots of variety in the answers.
From a startup point of view, I love what Max Temkin and the team have done. A great example of how to take a Kickstarter and build a company.
Hi. We've just released Sensical on product hunt - please take a look and let us know what you think - - if you love CAH like we do, then you'll love Sensical.