Seppe Vereecken

Cardify - The fastest business card experience ever

In a sleek app you create multiple virtual cards. Once scanned, people can save all the contact details in an instant.
We didn’t forget the physical aspect. We added a physical card to smoothly share your details in 2 seconds by tapping it to a smartphone.

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Adam Sorensen
Interesting idea! I assume that the card only works with NFC-enabled smartphones?
Seppe Vereecken
Hi @adamjsorensen, thanks for your question! Tapping with the card is indeed only possible with NFC enabled smarthphones. However, there is also a personal QR-code printed on the back of the card. People who scan this QR with the camera of their phone, will also be able to save your details in a second! Btw, almost every Android phone and the newest iPhones support NFC so that shouldn't be a problem 😉
Anna Filou
@adamjsorensen @seppe_v there’s the issue that a lot of people turn NFC off even if their device supports it. Even I do it, the reason being that my phone shows a big NFC icon that takes up a lot of valuable space on my status bar. There is no reason for that notification to be there but because it annoys me and I don’t use NFC at all I keep it turned off at all times. Another problem. QR codes are great but a lot of people don’t know how to scan them and for the ones who do it’s often time-consuming because they have to unlock their phones and find the QR scanner app, provided they have downloaded one (granted, that’s not as time-consuming as manually entering contact data). I know that iPhones scan QR codes automatically via the Camera app but I can’t read phones don’t. My old android phone had a lock screen shortcut that opened the native QR scanner app so scanning codes was very convenient but my new one does not so I do actually have to unlock my phone and find the app.
Bram Van de velde
Hey @anna_0x - great feedback, thanks! Things we are definitely taking into account when building the product. Although there's still some work to be done, we see that Android phones are starting to natively support reading QR-codes (now mostly with Bixby vision) and that the NFC-icons are getting smaller or disappearing. Besides that, because you own the card, you can just have people scan yours and have them share back their data so you never have to scan or process anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anna Filou
@bramftf For what it’s worth, I have a Samsung phone. Bixby is terrible and I have disabled it because I didn’t want to ever accidentally wake it up again 🤷🏻‍♀️ Now I have an extra dead button on my phone but it’s better than the alternative. My guess is that most people with Samsung phones do not use Bixby either because they don’t like it or because they have not taken the time to learn how to use it. You say that the other person can share back their data after scanning my card? How would they do that without an app? Sorry if it’s mentioned somewhere but I really didn’t notice it (or maybe I forgot because it’s really late and I’m so tired 😪)
Bram Van de velde
@anna_0x Hey Anna, no problem, I'm not sure if it's mentioned but it happens through the browser when they scan your card! Goes very fast if the phone supports pre-filled input fields. Thank you again for your feedback on how you use your phone. We'd love to send you our product for more feedback! Hit me up in DM if you want! :)
Seppe Vereecken
Hi all! A short explanation of what we do at Cardify and why we do it. In recent years, hundreds of apps have tried to digitize the business card experience. Many of them had traction, but with most of them, no one was actually hanging around long enough. Apps alone simply can't replace the physical gesture that makes people stick. At Cardify we take the leap to fixing business cards once and for all. What if you could have a physical card that people can scan with their phone in 2 seconds. A card that is incredibly easy to use, keeps your information safe and most importantly, that prevents them from giving us a paper card back. Wouldn’t that be nice? Let's go into the details. After you log in, you control your Cardify Tap card from a sleek application. You can see who scanned your card and who shared their information with you. From this app, you can create multiple virtual cards to assign to your physical card. This card is a heavy plastic card available in dark blue or light grey. Request access on our website and let us know what you think!
Thibault Milan
Love the idea, especially the no need to have the app to use it, 'cause that what most of the competitor does, they let you scan a QR-code then ask the people you just met to create an account and blablabla ... that's definitely not the experience I want to offer when I just meet someone :D 1870 in the queue ... wow that's impressive (if someone wants to bump me )
Seppe Vereecken
Exactly, that’s what we intended to do! 🙌🏼
Ibe David
Is it possible to access the receiver’s contacts such that once you tap the card on the receiver’s phone to share your contact, it also automatically collects and sends the receiver’s contact to the sender’s phone for the sender to save the receiver’s contact on their device as well? It will make a lot of sense if you include this feature.
Bram Van de velde
@ibe_david looks like I overlooked your reply, sorry about that! We are indeed working on that feature. Right now, a light version of this is already included. Figuring out how to automate it as well!
Jimmy Cowe

Such a great product! Business cards 2.0


Easy to use Fast Don't have to carry 100's of business cards anymore


Haven't found any yet.

Joseph Barrientos
I'm a bit confused still, do you hand the card off like a normal business card? Or do you let them scan it and take the card back?
Seppe Vereecken
Hi @joseph_barrientos! You only have one. You don't need to give out nor receive all those cards. One app and one card, that's all you need. So like you said, you let them scan your card and they give it back to you.
Ghost Kitty
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Seppe Vereecken
Thanks for the feedback @keenready1! Planting a seed here 👊🏼