Gavin Mai

Carbon - Buy Cryptocurrency Instantly using Credit/Debit


We are building APIs for the cryptocurrency economy!
On our roadmap:
1: On ramps (done)
2: Off ramps (live on sandbox)
3: Coin swaps (live on sandbox)
4: Native stablecoins for each blockchain (done)
5: more? 😏

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Mahesh Shrestha
This seems legit, but I am curious how is your fee when compared to other top crypto-buying platforms? Any security risk, if any? Also, do you guys mention anything related crypto in bank statement or transactions?
Gavin Mai
@alphahunter @itstheandre our fees are now 2.99% or $2, whichever is higher! if something goes wrong, we refund (ie order was not completed) but you do need to make sure your public key is correct. we do not! bank transactions say `Carbon Money` and that's it :)
Mahesh Shrestha
@itstheandre @gmaijoe how secure is it to do transactions without signing up?
Gavin Mai
@itstheandre @alphahunter it is very secure - we also have PCI level 1 compliance (highest standard for storing users sensitive info). See a gif of the checkout process for Apple Pay:
@alphahunter @itstheandre @gmaijoe That's pretty reasonable! Lower than what I've been paying, at least.
Gavin Mai
@alphahunter @itstheandre @simons_gerald21 thanks! The best service at the lowest fees is our goal :) please share with your friends if you think they’d enjoy our service - always happy to take feature requests as well
Rafael Harutyunyan
Verification SMSes don't arrive neither to UAE nor to Armenia phone numbers.
Gavin Mai
@rafhar @alphahunter we are working on global coverage through twilio right now - we also let users sign up if the countries don't work. thanks for letting us know
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
How many states/countries do you have “on-ramp licenses” in?
Gavin Mai
@antdke we currently don't support USA because MTL's are very expensive but we are covered otherwise in the world with our EU licenses :)
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
@gmaijoe Dope dope. Do you plan to move into the US sometime in the future? I read something recently that said Coinbase’s “moat” is its licenses to operate in the US. Do you plan to compete somehow or do you plan to operate differently? (Lots of questions, I know 😜)
Gavin Mai
@antdke yes we are a noncustodial version of Coinbase - we specialize in allowing anyone to become a Coinbase - do that’s the difference. These licenses are something we are in the process of obtaining ATM :)
Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
@gmaijoe Nice. Supplying pickaxes to the gold miners ⛏ 💎 That’s really cool, Gavin. Looking forward to seeing how Carbon grows. I’ll follow on Twitter
Gavin Mai
Welcome! We'd love feedback from everyone :)
Emin Henri Mahrt
Tried it, can confirm that it works and the UX is sleek.
Gavin Mai
@em thanks a lot! glad you are trying it. We are rolling out a referral program soon :)
Where are you based? And is this for EU/US/both?
Gavin Mai
@deborahrayne31 we are based globally (one office in US and one office in Europe) - non-US for now but that will be changing in the near future
Abhishek Kumar Maurya
Can It be used as payment service, where customers will buy Bitcoin and pay for product/service?
Gavin Mai
@akmnitt yes we have merchant API endpoints
Oli Lalonde
Nice service and UI but I suspect it'll be hard to keep the service operational once you reach a meaningful volume of transaction.
Gavin Mai
@o_lalonde can you specify more? are you talking just pure liquidity provisioning?
Oli Lalonde
@gmaijoe No, I am more worried about you losing your payment processor/merchant account. You will likely get a lot of fraudulent charges from stolen credit cards, fraudulent chargebacks, etc.
Gavin Mai
@o_lalonde yep so fraud is definitely a big thing but we’ve taken very strong steps to counter fraud - we’re actually more of an analytics company now rather than pure brokerage. The team with best data will will longer term
Is it only going to be Fiat to crypto, or are you planning crypto to crypto as well?
Gavin Mai
@babettebureau oh we have the whole thing done already :) stay tuned and follow us at @carbon_money for more news soon
Great to see Carbon on here. Their switch from a stable coin focus to on ramps is so critical to fixing one of the (many) ux challenges of crypto. Keep up the great work Miles and co!
Do you have to buy in USD or can you pay in EUR too?
Gavin Mai
@cataplines you can do Euros as well! and GBP
Rohit Rai
What about the GDPR?
Gavin Mai
@rohit_rai2 we’re compliant there
mariano anastasi
why is not working now ? when i tried to buy all coins selected said: "We seem to be running low on ETH. We are currently working through a banking problem regarding frozen funds and expect to refill our treasury in 1-2 weeks once that is solved." please fix it