
Terminhack - Impress your friends by pretending to be a real hacker 👨‍💻


Terminhack lets you pretend to be a hacker running real penetration testing tools. You can run it directly from the website or from your terminal!

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Hello people 👋! In 2015, I started the Learning Lab challenge 🎓, which basically consists of learning about a new topic every one to three months. I even made a Learning Lab website (that I previously released in Product Hunt), so that people could also join the challenge. These last months I have been learning about Ethical Hacking and I found it really interesting (you can find my blog post to read the full story here). Ethical hackers' job is to conduct penetration testing and the goal is to hack a given target (with the target's approval of course 😮). To do so the ethical hackers will follow a well defined process and make use of a big list of tools. I decided to create Terminhack in order to memorize better this process 👩‍💻. Terminhack is a web service that lets you pretend to be a hacker. You can run it from your browser or even better from the terminal to impress your friends 😂. Note that all the commands and output of the commands are based on real tools used by hackers! So you can pretend to be a real hacker! I hope you will like it, Enjoy your fake hacking!
Csaba Kissi
@sandochee funny project man! I’ll share the link with a friend who is doing real penetrations tests 😎
@csaba_kissi Thanks, I am very curious about his feedback!
@maximilian_fleitmann Thanks Maximilian!
@type Hahaha that would be amazing!
@bissenmann Thanks Ben!
Steph Nass
No-code for hacking 😂👌 Really fun idea!
@stephnass Hahahah I haven't seen it this way!
Love it ! I work in an Engineering school and will be happy to share it with the students ^^
@mickwho1 Awesome let me know how they react!
James Quinn
Seems like something the devs on my team may like... I'll pass along to them! Thanks for sharing
@james_afino Thanks a lot, let me know if they like!
Benoit Chambon
Neeeeeeeed this one!
@benoit_chambon Perfect :)
Eva Shalenko
Good luck!
@evgeniya_shalenko Thanks Evgeniya
Simo Elalj
Well done 🏴‍☠️
@simoelalj Thanks Simo!
Carlos Bernabeu
Very fun website, I love these real life situation spinoffs, you were doing something and then though, how can I make this learning fun. Amazing job as always @sandochee. Maybe you can pitch this tool to TV series and movies so they use this instead of the super fake "hacking scenes". Congrats!
@carlos_bernabeu Thanks Carlos, I didn't think about that, would love to see it in a movie haha!
People from Hollywood should see this. ;-)
@b4rtaz True! I wish
Farbod Saraf
This is fun! Wish offices were open and I could have fun with some colleagues 😄
@farbodsaraf Yes it's true that it's not as fun to do it alone in my house, I didn't think about that 🤔
I don't even know why I tried it, but you got me! upvoted!
@aureliovolle Hahahaha, awesome, I glad you did try!
I did the same to my mom with Cmd+C then Cmd+S and I told her that I can hack the Area 51 👽
Tom Webb
If people are interested in hacking life. I fully recommend the podcast darknet diaries which are stories about the dark web
@techtom10 Looks nice!
Abiel Zulio M
This is such a prank that we need nowadays. Great idea! 😂
Max Prilutskiy
I like the idea! 👍
@prilutskiy Thanks Max :)
Raphaël Olivero
Really like it, well done Sandoche.
@raphaelolivero Thanks Raph!
Beth Ziesenis
Just in time for April Fool’s Day. :)
@nerdybff Didn't think about that, perfect!
Dávid Sipos
Great work! Nice recon :)
@david_sipos Thanks David!
Vincent Aubry
Even more accurate than 99% of what you see in movies!! I had so much fun with my friends pretending I know some hacking stuff.
@vincent_aubry Thanks Vincent!! You can find here a few movies using the tool nmap (one of the first I use in my script):
Katya Prusakova
Like your idea a lot!
@katya_prusakova Thanks Katya!!