Farbod Saraf

Learning Lab - Learn anything in one month alongside your day job


Learning Lab is dedicated to the people who want to challenge themselves to learn something new every month. It provides some tools and a methodology to get your learning done in one month, also you can find there a curated list of topics with their learning resources and experiences to learn anything within 1 month (or 2).

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Hello hunters, I initially started Learning Lab as a challenge with myself. The first idea, inspired by @levelsio was to learn 12 topics in 12 months and build small projects to apply this learning. And this alongside with my day job. One year later I really loved it and everyone around me liked it and wanted to start also this challenge in their own way. That is why I decided to build this learning lab website that contains all the resources to learn topics in one month (or two). All the topics shared in Learning Lab have been experienced at least once and fits into 1 or 2 months. I hope you like it, feel free to send your feedback.
Patricia Mayo
Hey @sandochee and @farbod ! first of all congratulations for the hunt! I had been reading in the past your posts in medium and I really like your learning methodology. I want to learn photography and I will apply your process during this month Do you think I could add the topic once I finished? I would also like to contribute 😄
@farbod @patricia_mayo Thanks, I am glad you like it. Of course yes you can add your topic once it's finished.
Carlos Bernabeu
Sandoche! Nice product man, I've been following your learnings since Medium and I have to say you've come a long way, and to also enable the rest of us to follow your methods is just amazing. Collaborative thinking all the way! Congrats!
@carlos_bernabeu Thanks a lot, I hope you will also do it!
Wow wow wow! Congrats to the team who developed this! I will indeed use it as I enjoy so much learning new things constantly! Thanks so much
@irenemarquetg Thanks a lot, feel free to contribute and add topics!
Wow, I like the idea of learning something new on a continuous basis. I'll think of some topics I'm interested in for you to add in the future. Keep up the good work!
@angeliquesocial Thanks a lot 😉
Wow, really compelling story! Congrats on the launch. As one who likes to hack learning and education, those kind of learning hacks will automatically get my upvotes. The content is a little sparse, will be interesting to solve the chicken-and-egg problem. Building a community of like-minded learners, who will also stick together after the month, or better yet, support the learnings and collaborate at the same time, will probably be very useful. Best of luck!
@shaomeng_zhang Thanks Zhang, yes indeed there is a chicken and egg problem here, so I tried my best to solve it, let's see how it goes :)
Vera Ujkic
Great work and very nice design!
@vera_ujkic Thanks a lot 😉
Farbod Saraf
I've joined Sandoche as co-learner on some of the courses, you can do this in a team and it will be even more effective.
Vera Lekutanaj
Congratulations on the launch! I love the concept and the design. You can never learn enough. I will definitely try it out!
@vera Thanks a lot, let me know if you have any feedback
Nihongo Master
Absolutely love the idea of learning on the side as I continue my day. How is the format different from something like laracasts? Would love to hear your response!
@masternihongo Hi, first time I hear of Laracast, it's very good actually. The current format which is not definitive at all is the following. You want to learn something alonside you work in less than 2 months, you check out the current topics in the website, if you don't find anything good, you check out the tools to find good resources, you join the community to ask your question and maybe find a mentor. You learn in your side and share it (and the resources, and projects built) with the community. So Laracast can totally be a learning tool or resource for the tech topics!
Ritwik Manan
this looks really good. I especially like the learning tools you've collected. Definitely have to try it out. For the resources themselves, I'm curious if you have thoughts on pacing for diffferent knowlwedge levels ? or did you choose to follow the pacing of the courses you took?
@manan_ritwik1 Thanks a lot. The pacing really depends on the topic itself, my current knowledge about it, and the resource. For example learning about cryptocurrency with the coursera MOOC forced me to do it every day, I didn't know much about this topic so I had to check extra resources after the MOOC, to look more into the technical part of it. Whereas when I had to learn about Webpack, as a frontend dev, It was more reading the doc and trying to run some code to test it and build my project around it.
As someone who has followed your initial post on learning a new thing every month I've enjoyed setting my own challenges over the last year. I'll try and join one of your challenges soon. Do you have a schedule of what you have planned over the coming year?
KelliD Blow
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