A curated shop for Amazon
Jordan Feldstein
Canopy — Amazing products, all available on Amazon.

Adam Kazwell
Mohammad Gaber
There goes the budget. Nice UI guys.
Tommy Leep
Super helpful for interesting and unique gifts. A little curation goes a long way! Nice work @shannonfox_.
Rahul Varshneya
@shannonfox_ great work! :)
Rahul Varshneya
How are they making money? Through affiliate commission?
Rahul Varshneya
@shannonfox_ Fantastic UI. Who designed the website? Internal or external?
Shannon Fox
@rahulvarshneya Internal. Our small team is pretty talented.
Shannon Fox
For now, yes. We're currently checking out some other ways to make revenue - some cool ideas in the works. If anyone would like an invite send me a note
Tyler Hayes
Lots of shoes available on Amazon evidently.
P. Jordan Flack
@shanndfox what happened to the ios app?!