This is a small side-project I had been wanting to make for a long time, but couldn't come up with the right approach to make it work until now.
The biggest challenge was making it fast enough, I went through doing it in pure Python, to using numpy and now finally it runs on a GPU. I might have to rewrite it yet again, because the current server is very pricey!
Hope you like it.
@naveenkumar It's not really in a shareable state, and would be pretty painful to run as it currently requires three servers (web front-end, queue server and one or more render servers).
Looks nice just wish I could make it work it doesn't make a video it says can't connect to the server. Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work?
I get this:
->Lost connection to server, please try again in a bit.
Looks nice just wish I could make it work it doesn't make a video it says can't connect to the server. Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work?
I get this:
->Lost connection to server, please try again in a bit.
Candy Japan
Candy Japan
Candy Japan
Marketing Examples