Canary Mail is the mail app you need, security and features in one, wrapped up and delivered to you! There is a lot more you can do with it - everything is systematized, organized and with an easy User Experience!
I have been using Canary for some time now. I think it is the mail client that gets as close as you can get to perfection. Nice design, light, easy to use. Awesome product.
I've been using Canary since the first beta, and I must say that Sohel and Dev are putting together a great email client. It's clean, useful, and makes using email easy again. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes next.
@dundeevc Thanks Mark! You can right-click on a message in the message list and select 'Move To', or drag and drop onto the relevant folder name / icon.
Love this product! I have two questions though:
- When I send an attachment, I get a copy of the attachment itself saved to the Downloads folder, therefore ending up with two identical files. Any known fix?
- It would be nice to have a way to send feedbacks right in the app!
Thanks, keep up the great work!
@patrickperey Thanks! 1. Click on the glasses icon in the top bar, or look for checkmarks in emails (sent via Canary) in the sent folder. 2. Hmm we will, if we find a way to do this without having to store emails on our server.
I'm a big, big fan of Canary Mail but I'm a bit confused as to what it is doing on the featured page of PH. I'm happily running the lastest beta-version 0.6 (123). Is that the official release? And what the heck does '2.0' mean? Has there been a version 1.0 that I have missed completely?
@t55 Hi Ton, we're still in beta! But since the app has been redesigned with a lot of new features since we were first featured on PH in Feb, this post is titled 2.0 (123 is the correct, latest version) π
@sohelsanghani Awwwright. That explains the 2.0. Just wondering what'll happen when Canary Mail 0.6 will turn 1.0. A whole lot of Googling I suspect :-)) Version numbers aside I'm looking forward to the Slack'd daily new features extravaganza of Canary Mail for iOS :)
Looks like a beautiful UI. I'm using Nylas and Polymail right now. Looks like everyone is aiming at the same feature set: read receipts, snooze, send later, etc.
The one thing that isn't talked about a lot but is probably the single most important thing (as I'm realizing) is security.
> How does Canary handle email to be secure? Data at rest / in transit policies, etc.
@desmondduggan2 Thanks Desmond! Canary uses SSL to connect securely to your email provider. The local database on your Mac is also encrypted. And most importantly, we do not ask for or store your credentials, access tokens and/or emails on our server - unlike many other new apps/services.
A great client but they have an _idiot function_ in the help menu right below the Logs function: "Purge", after a simple "Are you sure" all your accounts and emails are wiped and the app is completely reset.
I was the idiot.
Wowowow. Awesome work, you guys. Was just pulling out my hair a few days ago over the sad state of desktop mail clients, and voila, here you are. As for desktop clients, there are barely any contenders, and even among the best there are too many compromises. In my opinion, Canary nails most of what I want, and it does so with with panache.
On a related note, I think it's silly that so many of the new mail app developers keep B-lining for mobile. Yes, everything is going mobile, but the mobile mail space is already super crowded, and the existing solutions are just fine. Apple's Mail app for iPhone isn't amazing, but it gets the job done, whereas Apple's Mail app for desktop is a buggy monstrosity. If you accept that mobile and desktop will probably merge at some point in the not-too-distant future, it makes sense to penetrate the market from the other angle (desktop), where the competition is small-time at best.
Anyway, great job again, @sohelsanghani and team. Just made this my default mail client.
P.S. The one thing Canary needs is an undo send feature. Super croosh.
@benbelser "Canary nails most of what (you) want, and it does so with with panache" makes for a great tagline π Glad to have you onboard, Ben! And yes, we're working on undo send.
Is the snooze feature compatible with Google Inbox snooze? Will canary see the e-mails I have already snoozed, and will I still be able to snooze from the Google Inbox iOS app?
Hey congrats on this! It really looks amazing! Is there any way to snooze emails with hotkeys though? Being able to go through my emails without clicking my mouse is pretty important for my usage =/
Stunning application. I love it! I have a question about how iOS functionality might work though. Since the snoozing feature is local only (Not server based), how will this feature translate over to iOS and work with the Desktop app at the same time? Some form of iCloud sync or something? Keep up the great work!