Niv Dror

CamKix Kit for Snapchat - A mobile kit that lets you Snapchat without hands πŸ™Œ


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Niv Dror
I mean... this GIF is amazing πŸ±πŸ‘»
Fraser Smith
A tripod mount, mini tripod (suspiciously similar to my mini Manfrotto) and remote shutter release for iPhones. How can we make it interesting? I know, let's paint it yellow and jump on the Snapchat bandwagon. But seriously, I would buy this with less yellow and less cats. :-)
Archie Hicklin
@frassmith Haha we only sell to people that like cats! You're absolutely correct when you say we are jumping on the Snapchat bandwagon. What I mean by Snapchat bandwagon though might be different from your interpretation, what Snapchat have created is an incredible ad-hoc experience to share images, messages and videos. Nobody seems to be able to knock Snapchat off their throne! So we wanted to make a hardware kit that solves a problem our users already have and deliver it in the same way. By making a kit that can be used ad-hoc, is simple - and most importantly - easy for them to use! πŸ™Œ We're not reinventing the wheel - just delivering a kit that can solve a problem. With added cats.
Archie Hicklin
πŸ’¬ OK so I want to explain why we put this together: A few months ago, around 1am, I was lying in my bed, staring at my phone (probably browsing a collection of the finest cat gifs 🐈) - when I saw a notification that @rrhoover was livestreaming an unboxing of recent packages he’d received to his address on Facebook Live. πŸ“Ί As any true fan of The Hoov would, I eagerly hopped on the livestream in anticipation of watching the unboxing of an array of interesting and wonderful products that Ryan gets sent in the mail. πŸ“¦ I made myself a cup of tea β˜•οΈ, settled it on my nightstand, adjusted my pillow and opened the stream. It was set up to be a really wonderful evening. 😌 However, things very quickly took a shocking turn. 😱 After a few parcels and letters were opened βœ‰οΈ it soon became clear that the livestream was almost impossible to do with one hand βœ‹πŸ˜­ The most turbulent point of the evening was when Ryan πŸ‘¦πŸΌ, after receiving a Snapcode T-Shirt πŸ‘» in the mail from @lukemiller - tried to open a very well packaged item with one hand with great difficulty. If my memory serves me correctly, in trying to open this package there were feet πŸ‘£, elbows πŸ’ͺ and teeth πŸ‘„involved as the parcel was ripped and torn open in a frenzy of cosmic startup irony. How could we live in a world of so much incredible tech and yet still be so limited? πŸ˜” I then remembered that in the last 6 months more and more of our users had been using their remotes exclusively for Snapchat (at CamKix we’ve been making and selling Bluetooth remotes for two years). So in part thanks to our users, and in part thanks to this livestream, the connection between the need for hands-free recording and Snapchat was born. πŸ™ŒπŸ‘» We believe Snapchat is one of THE best platforms out there at the moment, and that people should be able to dance, play guitar, juggle, paint, and unbox stuff without having to hold their phone at all times with one finger pressed to the screen. So we’ve bundled together an inexpensive kit that includes an adjustable tripod and one of our remotes so you can Snapchat hands-free from now on! Thank you to @nivo0o0for hunting us! πŸ‘‹ Please feel free to ask any questions!
Sarah Evans
I think I'm in love with you guys...I mean your products. :)
Archie Hicklin
Sarah, we love you too! So we got our cat mailman to put on her little backpack and then we put the kit inside the backpack and now she's on her way to your place with your order! πŸˆπŸŽ’ Be patient, it may take her a couple days. Thanks from all of us! πŸ’•
Sarah Evans
@suparchie I actually expect a cat at my door. I will snuggle her, feed her and send her back to you.
Marie Tatibouet
Awesome stuff!
Archie Hicklin
@marietatibouet Pleased you like it Marie! πŸ‘»
Matty Benedetto
Will this have compatibility with Instagram Stories as well?
Archie Hicklin
@mattyxb Just tested and it seems to work just fine! πŸ“·
Nick Zieber
@suparchie You are truly talented. Really exciting to see more and more products coming out of Shenzhen!
Archie Hicklin
@nzieber Well it's really thanks to our team! And of course our users who gave us the great feedback to put this kit together πŸ™ Pleased to see a shout-out for Shenzhen - we're taking over! β€οΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³πŸ‡­πŸ‡°β€οΈ
I want one!
Archie Hicklin
@commintomylife Hey man! Haha - no problem, we can send you one via 滴滴打车 πŸ™Œ πŸ’•
Esteban Aravena
Upvoted! Do selfie sticks have this option too with their Bluetooth remotes?
Archie Hicklin
@esbvn Thanks for the upvote, Esteban! πŸ’•πŸ΅ Selfie sticks (with built in remotes) are great! But they are best for a wide angled view when a closeup view will not do - perfect for group activities, group selfies, or jumping off cliffs into water with a GoPro attached. With a Bluetooth remote you are able to keep it in your palm and move freely without having to hold on to anything with five fingers (like a mobile phone or a stick). This makes a bunch of things possible that a selfie stick would not allow - for example - imagine breakdancing or playing guitar with a selfie stick in your hand - it would be virtually impossible. Even if you did manage to pull it off the video would be insanely shaky and there's no guarantee the Bluetooth connectivity on that particular stick won't interfere with Snapchat, Instagram, or whatever you're using to photograph or record. So if you're after the former, a selfie stick is sufficient. If you want to record yourself doing stuff with two hands, a Bluetooth and tripod is your solution! πŸ’ͺ
Eric Posen
Can't delete my post but originally had a minor issue and Archie took care of it immediately. Great customer service!
Shamaila Zahid
Sweet! I love this kit :D
James Sung
Now I can say my girlfriend is snapchatting me. I don't even have a girlfriend.
Archie Hicklin
@entrepreneurish Sounds like a solid strategy. Good luck on your quest βš”