Hey Product Hunters,
I’m Alex, creator of Caller Zen. Big thanks to @hnshah for the support. The motivation behind building this product is fueled by the frustration both customers and businesses experience when dealing with customer support requests. Caller Zen aims to solve this with an SMS ticketing system for customer support requests.
Setting up Caller Zen is easy: all we ask for is your email and company name, and we provide you with a phone number. You can use this as a standalone number on your website / in your native app, or you can incorporate it into your existing phone tree system (e.g. can route option 1 in your phone tree to your Caller Zen number: “Press 1 to chat via SMS”). Caller Zen currently integrates with Slack and Desk.com.
We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback as we continue to make the product better. Check out our free 14 day trial and enjoy a PH Exclusive for 50% off the first 3 months.
Happy Wed!
@alexdesimone Seems like a great product, just need to fine tune your price point. I can definitely help with the SMS costs, and also offer you 48 countries worldwide. -email taylor.hook@infobip.com
@zachherbert Thanks for the feedback. What's a price point you're looking for? Its currently priced at half a dollar per ticket (customer engagement, about $0.25 with discount. I think call center software is typically much higher while less efficient.
@alexdesimone I think it's a really fair price for companies with a bunch of employees, but for the bootstrapped startup something closer to $15/user/mo would make more sense. For example, I'm a one-person startup, and I pay $15/user/mo for Groove (support desk) and $15/user/mo + taxes for Switch (phone system).
I'm all about per-user pricing, because it's easy to start off with one user and scale as the startup grows! But I'm curious about what others think.
@zachherbert great thoughts. Can I ask how many tickets you get per month? Also, keep in mind Caller Zen is not $99/user/mo, its $99/mo for unlimited users. Happy to price something lower for bootstrapped startups with less volume tho :)
@zachherbert Hey Zach, I've updated the pricing page to reflect the discounts and I also created a basic plan for smaller teams priced at $15/mo with the discount. Hope this plan is better tailored to your needs.
It's always nice to see improvements in customer support, but the pricing is a bit high. Going to check out the trial and see how well it works with Desk though.
This is a very useful tool. At the moment my contact centre has to tunnel 2 numbers to one person that's overseas. I settled with keeping 2 android phones on charge forwarding. This could be the solution I have always been looking for. I can't stress this is becoming important now with a lot of offshore staff and the use of sms. Whether your big or small dealing with a flood of texts will help anyone.
We've been part of the beta at Jobr and its really exciting to see how customer support can be transformed. We are heavy slack users to the integration is really useful. Thx Alex and team for the hard work.
Looks like a great product but price point is a bit much for my bootstrapped startup right now. I would much rather have one user per month on the $15 plan and 2x-3x the amount of tickets. I don't think that means you should lower price necessarily though. I'm assuming your targeting funded startups and SMB's so that difference might make less of a difference.
I do selfishly hope you increase ticket amount though :)
I absolutely love the idea of this. We've been long time users of Zendesk and are on a 3 person grandfathered plan. I'm open to trying this out but am concerned about pricing and also wonder if it'll work in Canada (Canadian phone numbers etc)
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