Ujjwal khandelwal

CalculatorNinjas - Ultimate online calculator for finance, health, stats & Math

Conquer any calculation with CalculatorNinjas! Simplifying everyday tasks, our 135+ calculators cover everything from finance & health to math & statistics.

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Ujjwal khandelwal
Hey Product Hunters, I am thrilled to launch CalculatorNinjas - your one-stop shop for crushing any calculation! Conquer finance, health, math & statistics with our 135+ calculators. What calculations are you excited to tackle first? #CalculatorNinjas
Yami Sun
@ujjwalk Does it have app version? Congrats and Upvoted. 🎉We're launching "Cascad3 - A decentralized inspiration-driven publishing platform" on Product Hunt soon. I would appreciate your support and feedback by clicking the "Notify Me" button to stay tuned and be the first to know when Cascad3 debuts on the stage.👇 producthunt.com/products/cascad3 Thank you! Best regards, Yami
Dhruv Kalsotra
Hi Ujjwal - congrats on the launch. Did a quick UX Test via our platform - https://uxpulse.co/analyze?url=h... - hope it helps improve the overall experience. Thanks
Ujjwal khandelwal
@dhruv_kalsotra Thanks for taking the time to run a UX test on our new calculator! I appreciate the insights, and we'll definitely take them into consideration as we move forward with future updates. Launching an MVP was a great first step to validate the core functionality and solve the initial user problem. Now that we have the MVP out there, incorporating UX feedback will be key to enhancing the overall user experience.
Dhruv Kalsotra
@ujjwalk Also do subscribe to our weekly mailer to get UX analysis for your website and help you track the changes better. Thank s
Aris Nakos
Congratulations ! Looks cool and definitely a really impressive MVP.
Ujjwal khandelwal
@aris_nakos Thanks so much! Really glad you think so
Shushant Lakhyani
Oh wow, having 135 calculators at one place is huge. Congratulations on the launch!
Ujjwal khandelwal
@shushant_lakhyani Thanks! Yeah, 135+ calculators was quite the journey! We wanted to make sure users have all the tools they need, no matter the calculation.
Nataliya Trotsenko
Hey! Congratulations on the launch!
Avkash Kakdiya
Just saw CalculatorNinjas on Product Hunt! Congrats on the launch! 🚀 Can't wait to see how it revolutionizes our calculator game!
Ujjwal khandelwal
@avkash_kakdiya Thanks for checking out CalculatorNinjas! Yes we will level up the calculator game