Joshua Foxworth

CADWOLF - Collaborative engineering. A Github for engineering


A web based platform where engineers and mathematicians solve problems in a collaborative manner and build large structures. Our system links designs together and to CAD models to ensure they match and provide for automatic redesign and CAD model updates in response to every design change. (Watch the demo video on the site).

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Joshua Foxworth
Would love to know what everyone here thinks. This isn't the type of product that gets a lot of attention in the startup world, but I believe that it can change the entire engineering field.
Evan Petrack
@joshua_foxworth this looks much more advanced than my engineering department would need (we retrofit existing buildings with more efficient equipment) but I can definitely see the value here. I think the struggle is going to be getting companies with large mechanical or other engineering teams to adopt the product.
Joshua Foxworth
@petrev01 That is indeed the problem. There is a large market opportunity in this field and the next couple of stages of the platform could revolutionize the engineering field. I just have to get them to come over from using Excel and Word
Evan Petrack
@joshua_foxworth agreed on that man! Coming into an energy/engineering job, the sheer dominance of Excel astounded me. I used alot of SPSS, Access, some R, Autodesk's program, and lots other various software/packages while in undergrad, and then worked in hospitality and HR for a few years after graduating. I genuinely thought more modern software would have proliferated into the engineering world by now.
Joshua Foxworth
@petrev01 I think that there are two things at play. First is that most people just want to use what they know, so it is really hard to get new software into the engineering ecosystem. The second is that the slow speed of the ecosystem means that companies don't survive long enough to get relevant. To overcome this, I have made the platform a sort of "github for engineering" where people can come together and build things not related to work and pull from a bank of predesigned parts like you can pull in code now. I hope that this will really help bring the platform into the workforce.