Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Bynd 3.0 - One iOS app to view all your feeds

Bynd is a productivity tool which helps you to consume relevant content more efficiently!

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Ömer Akyürek
Thank you @bramk – Today we proudly release v3.0 of Bynd: One iOS app to view all your feeds! In the past couple of months, we completely restructured features and gave it all a fresh new design. Here is a list of all integrations: • Twitter. • Medium. • YouTube. • Facebook. • Instagram. • Designer News. • Trending Topics from Reddit and Product Hunt 😻. • and up to 70 of the most popular News channels such as BBC, New York Times or The Washington Post. In addition to that, Bynd also provides: • Inbox Zero. • All new UI and UX. • Instagram Activities & Stories. • Shake your phone to report a bug. • Mixed feed and seperate tabs for each channel. • Tiles disappear automatically, once you've read it! • Bynd Messaging: Share any content with your Bynd friends without leaving the app. Better, faster and more intelligent. I’ll be doing a Q&A throughout the day :). Happy to answer all of your questions!
Justin Rosales
@oemerax solid app! Nice work. Any way to turn on a timestamp for the cards in the feed?
Ömer Akyürek
@godsgotvision thanks Justin! Your cards are sorted chronologically. Therefore we removed the timestamps. Do you really need it?
Justin Mitchell
@oemerax so how did you get Facebook in here? I had it working fantastic on a BB10 app I wrote and FB forced me to remove the read feed permission
Andrew Brodsky
@oemerax @godsgotvision 100% needed. I find myself looking at some posts that are very old without knowing. I am not sure why they appear at the top.
Ömer Akyürek
@itsthisjustin we are working with the official API Justin.
Wow, I just can't wait to try the Android version. This is something we've all always wanted, thanks for doing it. I hope there would be a way for me to try it out right away but...I guess I'll need to be patient! Keep it up guys!
Fatih Gürbüz
@eveningkid Thanks Arnaud for your feedback. We are working hard to make ' Bynd' better. Be patient we will release the Android Version asap ;)
Ömer Akyürek
@eveningkid really appreciate your message, Arnaud! :)
Raul Perțe
Hey PH, Raul here — I designed Bynd 3.0. The whole team and I worked together to revamp the whole UX to make it as easy as possible to navigate through the different channels. If you have any question, design-wise, I'd love to be able to talk with you.
Ömer Akyürek
@perte one of the most-talented designers I've met! Well done, Raul :).
Andrew Brodsky
@perte I have say that it is a bit buggy. Where should we submit feedback? Also the app costs $2.99 USD but that doesn't give you all the networks. I really think besides removing the ads you should get all the features.
Ömer Akyürek
@andrewjb44 @perte Andrew, you get five channels free instantly. For the other ones, you simply have to invite your friends! The more you have onboard, the better the experience. The $2,99 are for removing ads. You can submit all bug reports to!
Andrew Brodsky
@oemerax @perte @byndapp Technically it does make sense, but just seems to be ridiculous that you require something from your paying customers. I realize that you are saying you get AD free usage, but you should get all features without pestering your friends.
Ömer Akyürek
@andrewjb44 @perte @byndapp you don't have to pay to use all features. Only for removing ads, but I get your point Let me discuss this with the team internally.
André J
Whats the business model with this app? It says free on the app store. Just curious.
Ömer Akyürek
@eonpilot great question Eon! For a brief period of time, customers would get five (out of seven) channels free and had to pay for YouTube and Instagram. After getting tons of requests for a free version of all channels, we decided to switch the business model. Now we display ads and you can remove them for $2,99.
André J
@oemerax Ahh. Thanks for the answer. Personally I like pay for power user features. Casual user features are free. Good luck with bynd. Id like to see more apps in this area, especially filtering content. Information overload 😵
Lucas Grohn
@oemerax @eonpilot Is there a reason that to connect my YouTube or Instagram that I need to invite friends? It would make more sense to allow earlier users full access so that we can choose to invite after using the app. In other news, it looks beautiful!
Ömer Akyürek
@eonpilot power user features are on the roadmap as well. Is there anything you would like to see in the near future?
Ömer Akyürek
@ljgrohn @eonpilot both of them were premium channels previously. By inviting friends, the app experience will become much better, but I totally get your point. We will discuss this within the team Lucas.
Rahul Kapoor
good idea but I thought it would provide automatically news feed for me rather than adding it all by myself. also, Instagram connect is not working.
Ömer Akyürek
@iamrahulkapoor we apologise for the inconvenience Rahul! Please open the app -> go to the screen where the bug occurs -> shake your phone (Bynd takes a screenshot automatically) and send it to We will take care of it immediately.
Andrei Dulcu 🤘🏻
Daaamn! Downloading it right now! 😮
Ömer Akyürek
@justdesignzzz thanks Andrei! :)
Drew Shah
Really like the concept, but the app has way too many bugs. Looking forward to trying it a little bit down the line.
Ömer Akyürek
@drewshah1234 the team is working non-stop fix all bugs. Update will be available next week. Thanks for the feedback, Drew!
Ömer Akyürek
@drewshah1234 sure and if you have any other issues/questions, please do not hesitate to contact me here or write via mail to
Paul Aaron
@oemerax curious, how are you pulling in a user's IG content, since IG killed off feed reading apps last year?
Brandon Hite
I'm a little confused about this app's utility. I downloaded it with expectations to combine my feeds/timelines from IG, FB, etc., and hopefully curate it from there. But when I auth'd with FB, it asked me to choose 100 or less FB pages (not friends) to add to my timeline. I don't want an app that lets me view FB pages, I want an app that lets me view a custom list of friends/follows on social media - am I missing something or is the friend component not part of this?
Ömer Akyürek
@brandon_hite great question Brandon. 1.) we don't pull your feed directly. It is (most of the time) full with ads and non-relevant information. Once you select a site/friend, we display everything unfiltered. Only relevant content from relevant people. 2.) due to limitations from Facebok, you only see your Facebook friends who use Bynd as well. This is only on Facebook. Does that answer your question?
Paul Aaron
Hey guys - have to say the sign up flow was super frustrating. I first tried entering a username / password and got a "coming soon" message - bad first impression. Then I tried Facebook, and despite entering a valid email, it wouldn't let me sign in, and gave me a vague error message about my username or email not being legit (the username was pulled in by your app from Facebook). Interesting idea and the design looks nice, but execution is everything, and this execution cutting it.
Ömer Akyürek
@paul_aaron you are absolutely right Paul. This doesnt have to happen. We are kinda suprised by the overwhelming number of downloads and the backend isn't working properly. Will fix this asap. Is there anything else we can do for you?
Jack Kim
@oemerax @paul_aaron Yeah just tried signing up via FB as well and it crashed upon sign up. Great idea though, would love to try it out once fixed 👍
Ömer Akyürek
@jack7kim @paul_aaron Jack, we received your crash report. A new version with plenty of bug fixes will be available nex week. Hope to see you using Bynd again.
Rahul Verma
One important questions from devs. If you guys are using API of youtube, twitter and some other platforms how are you going to cop up with quota limits. Youtube recently dropped its unit per day from 1M to 50K. And moreover you are dependent on content and api of third party services. Indirectly they have control of your app. I am afraid if they see you growing too much they might just pull the plug. That happened in the pas with Falcon
Hakan Yilmaz
Where is my Android App mate?
Ömer Akyürek
@abstractizm coming soon! Did you sign up with your email on :)
Alex Glassey
Looks awesome – and much needed! Can I use Bynd to reply/comment to an integration (i.e. retweet a tweet, or comment on a Medium post, etc.)?
Ömer Akyürek
@alexglassey thanks Alex! Yes, you can. You can like, retweet and comment.
Are there plans for an iPad version? The iPhone version looks really bad blow-up on the iPad.
Ömer Akyürek
@fbara there are some plans for an iPad version..but pssst don't tell anyone yet Frank :).
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Doesn't open on iPad Pro. Perhaps it should say IPhone App instead of iOS App?
Ömer Akyürek
@lyondhur technically, you could use it on your iPad, but we highly recommend to use it on your iPhone. A fully native iPad version is on the roadmap!
Xavi Santa
Really good idea, love it. But impossible to log in with mail, facebook or twitter.
Dimitar Nestorov

Having to invite a friend of mine when I myself haven't yet decided if the app is worth it?


Facebook/Twitter login


You can't use Instagram and YouTube unless you inviting a friend.

Ömer Akyürek
Hi Dimitar, would a voucher code for Bynd Premium change your mind?