Chris Maddern

Button Marketplace - A marketplace of beautiful app connections.


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Willie Litvack
Working with Button has opened up entirely new revenue opportunities for SquadUP. Their team has a rockstar only policy, their tech will blow your hair back and this is only the beginning...
Harry Raymond
Big fan of mobile revenue streams that add-value for users. Will definitely explore adding this to our apps.
Samer Hamadeh
Proud to have @GetZeel in the initial group of @UseButton partners. Nice work @mdudas, @michaeljaconi, and team!
Dave Branson Smith
Brilliant. How has this not existed until now? I have an immediate use case -- integrate Washio into the Starbucks app so I can pre-order to have that inevitable coffee stain cleaned... 😫
Chris Maddern
@playswithfood Seriously.. seems like they should hire a full time cup-lid-designer. Coffee + FDR to work = Backup shirts in the office
Frank Denbow
This looks great. Are there other commerce cards and buttons that you're working on putting into the marketplace?
Chris Maddern
@frankdenbow Hey Frank -- I just added a few ;) :)
Toby Hervey
Looking forward to Pager being part of it!
Mike Dudas
@tobyhervey Can't wait!! So excited to work with you Toby!
Will Mauro
Incredible opportunity for the on-demand economy and mobile commerce. Hats off to the team at Button.
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Button redraws how affiliate deals are made in the app world. Any dev can access (and profit from) any service that is willing to pay for a customer. If this substitutes for some of our ad-driven models, yay!
Chris Maddern
@kkdub Couldn't agree more. 👍👌
Chris Puricelli
Looks interesting, but I don't get if it's an affiliate marketplace or a only for free deeplinking?
Chris Maddern
@cpuricelli Hi Christian! From a monetization standpoint, Button is all about share of commerce driven (affiliation.) All partners in the marketplace will pay a share of commerce to apps that add a Button and send customers their way.