Chris Messina

Butter 2.0 - Effortlessly run engaging sessions that people love

Top Hunter

Keep everyone engaged and focused on one window and one outcome. 🔥 Prep your agenda ahead of time with expert-created templates, engage participants with delightful tools, and collaborate effectively without having to juggle multiple tabs & windows!

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Jakob Knutzen
Hello Product Hunt 👋 I’m Jakob, co-founder and CEO of Butter. We’re like a superpowered Z**m that lets you plan, run and recap the most engaging sessions from one place. We’ve been astounded by the support we’ve gotten here on Product Hunt since we first launched in 2021 (and earned some Golden Kitty nominations too!) — and we can’t wait to show you how Butter’s evolved since then 😊 Fast forward to the TL;DR today: we’ve launched a desktop and mobile app, co-created awesome templates from our expert facilitation community, and launched next-level breakouts and an agenda planner that practically runs itself. And it’s still 10x as fun too! Huge shoutout to @chrismessina for hunting us again and again! 🌱 How Butter started When the pandemic hit, we started a consultancy to help companies build best practices on remote work. It was through running virtual workshops ourselves that we discovered two BIG challenges that remote facilitators faced: 1) A lack of energy 🥱 - It was WAY harder to keep participants engaged with tools like Zoom and Teams than it was IRL. These platforms were great for casual conversations, but terrible for collaborating. 2) Tool overload 🤯 - You had to juggle a ton of tools to plan and run a virtual workshop. You’d need separate tools for planning your agenda, running polls and timers, taking notes, using whiteboards like Miro, playing music from Spotify, etc. And that’s how we came up with Butter! 😍 Why Butter We’ve built Butter to be the most delightful platform for planning, running and recapping interactive sessions like workshops, trainings, sprints, townhalls, community events, and more — without the need to juggle multiple apps. We’ve built Butter with our community since day 1. They loved Butter, but they needed an easier way to plan their sessions and get started with Butter. So we cooked up new features to help them like: - Customizable agenda & activity templates from the best facilitators ( like this fun Nic Cage icebreaker and this Product Hunt picks collection) - A time-boxed agenda which you can prep with all the tools you need and can start with one click - Powerful breakouts that you can prep in advance with tasks and tools—and even observe what’s happening without jumping in! - Session recaps with autogenerated GIFs (here’s one from the Butter team!) - Improved engagement features like polls, reactions and music player - Ability to schedule sessions directly on Butter with a GCal integration - A more affordable Starter plan that starts at $14/mo …And so.much.more! 🔮 What’s next We’re working on improving our presentation and screenshare experience, growing our template library, and more engagement features to keep people coming back! We ship updates and improvements every few weeks, which you’ll get if you sign up. 💛 Share your feedback! We've had an amazing community of people that have helped shape Butter with us. We know how valuable your feedback is – help make our product even better by telling us what you think about it! 🤩 High fives, Jakob & the Butter team P.S. I promised our team that I’ll do anything if we hit top spots with this launch — so help us get there to see me covered in Butter (literally 😅)
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Love the continued evolution of Butter — from #5 product of the month in April 2021 to winning several Golden Kitties... it just keeps getting better! The addition of templates, improved tools and integrations, and elevated breakouts makes this 2.0 release well timed. Looking forward to trying this out! And don't miss @jakob_knutzen1's AMA, including insights on the state of the video conferencing market post-pandemic.
Denis Galka
Hey everyone! Congrats on the recent release of Butter 2.0 on Product Hunt! 🎉 I just watched the video above and got impressed that you decided to unite Jira, Google docs, Zoom, and more famous products into one. It's fantastic. What are you going to do next?
Jakob Knutzen
@denis_galka Thanks sooooo much, Denis! Oooh, looking a lot of of interesting things, but one area I'm personally excited about is giving the host a better way to feel the room! Also we're leaning heavily into our templates - so many cool energizers, icebreakers, chekouts, agendas and more submitted by our community!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Thanks a ton for this @denis_galka 🙏 Up next? More superpowers to the facilitator, better engagement for participants, and just more buttery goodness throughout!
Denis Galka
@jakob_knutzen1 Sounds interesting. But what do you mean by "better to feel the room"?
Jakob Knutzen
@denis_galka Hosts or facilitators often don't know how their participants are doing in virtual sessions. Are they engaged? Do they like the content? Are they bored? We're looking into ways of making this much clearer!
Denis Galka
@jakob_knutzen1 Oh, you are right. This is a well-known issue for all online sessions. If you find how to solve it you'll break the system
Ernest Ch.
Hi team! congrats on launching 2.0 version! so many new updates! I'm impressed :) what's your killer feature in your opinion?
Chris Holm-Hansen
Thanks so much @mind_arts 🙌🙏 Oooh, killer feature.... And I can only pick one? 😅 The fact that you can plan and set everything you need up ahead of your sessions, from agenda to tools 🙌 ... closely followed by: - Our template gallery - Breakouts - Integrations (Miro, Mural, Google suite) - Reactions and Sfx - Music player - Flashcards - Chat - Shared notes - Autogenerated session GIFs ... I'll stop here 😂
Ernest Ch.
@mrchrisholm haha, yeah, I had the same feeling when I tried to single out just one main option :) By the way, how long does onboarding take on average? Do you keep track of such data?
Cheska Teresa
@mind_arts Hahaha I think @mrchrisholm ran the entire gamut 😂 I'm a bit biased towards the templates, agenda planner and breakouts - and also followed by the rest of that list. Basically, it's the entire package! 😄
Bryan Guzman
Workshops have significantly improved since moving to Butter 🤩 More engagement, less hassle for participants since they don't have to switch constantly between multiple apps and windows, integrations with the tools I love, and most importantly, clients say they have more fun working on Butter 🙌 Thanks @jakob_knutzen1, @mrchrisholm, and the rest of the team for putting together such an incredible and buttery product!
Chris Holm-Hansen
We could not have done it without you and everyone else in the Butter community @guzaraya! Super happy to have the support of so many fantastic facilitators that engage, share ideas and keeps us on our toes on a daily basis! Thank you so much ❤️
Jakob Knutzen
@mrchrisholm @guzaraya BRYAN! This is just super cool - the Butter community truly wouldn't be the same without you and neither would the product. Love how much feedback you're giving to improve thingS!
Bryan Guzman
@jakob_knutzen1 as I mentioned to @mrchrisholm the first time we talked, Butter completely changed my facilitation life. The community is something that set you guys apart from any other platform out there, you guys actually listen to us and take our feedback into consideration. What's not to love about it?
Chris Holm-Hansen
@jakob_knutzen1 @guzaraya Nothing! There's absolutely nothing to not love about it 😄 🙌
Cheska Teresa
@guzaraya Bryan, your support and feedback has been amazing - so glad we have you in the community! 😍 Thanks so much for always pushing us to build better!
Meir Benezra
You don't love a product if you don't love the people who build that product. And from its community to its core team, Butter has managed to bring in one of most genuine and fun team in the world together. That culture is priceless, for that the trust in product already comes from the trust in the team.
Jakob Knutzen
@meirbenezra 💛💛💛 - this just means a ton! And I can say it goes the other way - you don't love building the product you're building, if you don't love the people who are using the product. You're making the Butter journey just awesome for us, Meir!
Cheska Teresa
@meirbenezra Your comment's priceless, Meir 💛 Really means a lot to our team to hear feedback like that from people like you. It's been a pleasure building this with all of you cheering us on!
Chris Holm-Hansen
This means everything @meirbenezra 😻 Thank you so much for your support of Butter and your engagements with the Butter Community! You've played a part in making it what it is today 🙏
Said Saddouk
Imagine a video conferencing and remote collaboration tool, designed to be fun and engaging. Butter bing, Butter boom!
Jakob Knutzen
@callmesaid YESSSS! Thanks so much for this!!!
Chris Holm-Hansen
You are a legend @callmesaid ! Butter bing, Butter boom indeed 😹😹😹
Cheska Teresa
@callmesaid YOU THE BEST, SAID! 💃🕺 And that catchphrase - would definitely use that one of these days! 😂
Akash Sharma 💭
Yay! Huge congrats on the launch! ⚡️ Butter has had such a phenomenal journey despite being in an especially competitive space and it was great to document a part of that journey last year for the Relay community. Much to learn from how inventively @jakob_knutzen1 and team approach things! 🙌🏾
Jakob Knutzen
@mrakashsharma Woohooo! It is indeed a competitive space - and your community has been lovely! Thanks so much!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Wow what a compliment!! Thank you so much for this @mrakashsharma 🔥
Cheska Teresa
@mrakashsharma Thanks Akash! You just made our hearts melt - like Butter 🧈😆 *cue the badumtsss here*
Rudy Arconte
Since the early times, I've seen Butter evolving with a precise vision to stand out in the video-meetings market, by positioning and targeting the workshop's niche. With a great sense of UI design to challenge UX hurdles, Butter still kicking the rock to get Butter and Butter! Congrats on the 2.0!
Jakob Knutzen
@rudy_arconte RUDY!!! This is such a lovely comment! Thanks for all your support since the earliest of days!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Thanks a ton @rudy_arconte 🙌 It's awesome that you've supported us along the way and continue to do so! To a Butter future 🚀
Cheska Teresa
To getting Butter and Butter - merci for the solid support, @rudy_arconte! 🤜
Stefan Bader
My day needs more fun products like this - LFG 🧈
Jakob Knutzen
@stefan_bader Yessss! Thanks for the support and the 🧈💛!!!
Cheska Teresa
@stefan_bader You just made our day with your comment! Thanks so much for the kind words! 😊
Chris Holm-Hansen
No simpler way to put it @stefan_bader 🚀 💯
Jakob Knutzen
@laurieherault Thaaaaaanks!
Cheska Teresa
@laurieherault Thank you, Laurie 😊 Can't wait to hear your feedback!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Thanks a bunch @laurieherault - much appreciated 🔥 🚀
Rob Hamblen
Butter 2.0. Just when you thought it couldn’t be butter! This product perfectly reflects LEAPs in person relationships virtually. Keep being awesome.
Jakob Knutzen
@robhamblen You truly have been a top supporter since the earliest of days, Rob! Thanks soooo much!
Cheska Teresa
@robhamblen One of the OGs! 🤜 Thanks a bunch for always being there - really happy that you and LEAP. have been with us from the very start!
Chris Holm-Hansen
@robhamblen - Your're an absolute legend and a true Butter OG 🫡 I still to this day think back to our very first conversations and how many ideas it has sparked down the line! No doubt set us on the path that we're on today. Thank you to you and the team at LEAP!
Priya Jamba
Seems like a great tool for my lonngggg Wednesday catchups haha! Congratulations on the launch team!
Jakob Knutzen
@priya_jamba Haha, I can promise you that with Butter, they'll feel much shorter! Cheers, Priya!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Our specialty is making looooong Wednesdays a thing of the past @priya_jamba 😹 Thanks so much for the support 🙌
Cheska Teresa
@priya_jamba Let's change looooong to smooooooth! 😁 Thanks for the support, Priya!
Rick Powell
I just came back from a compulsory sojourn in the wilderness with the oddly and oh-so-corporately deigned Zoom. Such a relief to get back to the smoothness and natural fun of Butter. My students prefer it too.
Chris Holm-Hansen
Hahaha this is just eerily accurate @fascinating_monsters 😻😂 Super happy to hear that you found your way back to Butter 🙏
Jakob Knutzen
@fascinating_monsters Hahaha, loved this comment! And so cool to hear that you like coming back to Butter!
Cheska Teresa
@fascinating_monsters Most visual comment ever! 😆 And we feel your relief - glad Butter's helping out with the fun, Rick!
@chrismessina Congrats on the Hunt! As someone who works mostly virtual, Butter will be extremely useful for keeping the team involved and engaged. I'm excited to use it!
Jakob Knutzen
@chrismessina @reklaw_reklaw That's super lovely to hear! Excited to hear your feedback!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Amazing to hear this @reklaw_reklaw 💯 Happy to help in any way possible 🙌
Cheska Teresa
@chrismessina has been a rockstar! @reklaw_reklaw can't wait to hear what you think after trying it out -- thank you! 🔥
Rosie Sherry
Love Butter! I said bye to Zoom a long time ago thanks to Butter! 🧈
Jakob Knutzen
@rosiesherry Rosie, this is just WOW! Thanks so so so much - I know you've been a user and B(utter)liever since the early days!
Chris Holm-Hansen
You are the best @rosiesherry 🙌 Your feedback, engagement and support has been invaluable and we're super happy that you've chosen Butter! Thank you 🙏
Cheska Teresa
@rosiesherry Thanks for being an OG and for letting more communities know about Butter - it's been amazing! 🙌💛 Means a lot to us that you care enough to share!
Jakob Knutzen
@karimsaif Haha, 'nuff said, huh? :D
Chris Holm-Hansen
You're the man @karimsaif 🔥 Thank you!
Cheska Teresa
@karimsaif Stoked to hear that 😎🤜
Paul VanZandt
Congrats on the v2 launch! Looking forward to being continually inspired by the product 🥳
Jakob Knutzen
@paul_vanzandt Thanks so much!!! Big day for us!!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Thank you so much @paul_vanzandt 🙏 We'll continue to do our best to build a product that is fun, engaging, and inspiring 🚀 Have a great day!
Cheska Teresa
Thanks @paul_vanzandt! Comment's like yours inspire us to build even better - really appreciate it! 💛
Alona Moroz
One of the most actively developing solutions. The guys implement improvements regularly and every month thanks to them I can deliver more and more value to clients during my workshops/sessions/trainings ☀️
Cheska Teresa
@alonamorozam Thanks a bunch for the support and for being one of the early ones, Alona! 🙌 Your feedback's been AMAZING - that's how we keep developing Butter for the better!
Chris Holm-Hansen
Thanks so much for all your support @alonamorozam 🙌 Your feedback and ideas have helped shape Butter for the better 🙌🔥
Jakob Knutzen
@alonamorozam Thanks so much for the lovely words - and for being with there with us on our journey! Love all your feedback and positivity!
Deven Bhooshan
Really excited about butter 2.0. 🎉🎉
Jakob Knutzen
@devenbhooshan Thanks so much!!! We're excited for the launch too!
Cheska Teresa
@devenbhooshan Can't wait to hear your feedback, Deven! Thanks for checking us out 😊
Chris Holm-Hansen
This means a lot @devenbhooshan - thank you! Super excited for you to give it a whirl 🔥