Anurag Singh

Business News for Kids - An ultra informative, emoji filled, newsletter for kids

Knowledge is at the heart of Being. Know more = Be more. BNFK distills the latest, most interesting, Business News 📰 to an ultra-informative, emoji filled, Newsletter for Kids 👾. Delivered every Sunday. Sign up using a parent 👽 email. It's also Free. 🎉

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Anurag Singh
Hey all, PH parent & maker here. My 11 year old, high IQ but easily distracted son, was having a tough time focussing and generally keeping up with the world around him. I always felt writing helped bring a lot of focus and so we decided to start writing something together. That something became Business News for Kids. We co-write and edit it and it's got some amazing sections. 👇 *Busy Business this Week* covers top 5 startup, tech, biz news from the week. 🚀 *Wait, What is..* is like a dictionary that makes kids comfortable with terms and words they might not get 🤯 e.g. Boostrapped, Raised, Exited, Series A, IPO, Board, Go-to-market. *Woah, Weird* 😱 is a fun section that covers weird and awesomely awesome news. *Inspiring Business Person" 🙏 covers a person doing some inspiring work. *Stocks, stonks, and..* ⚡️ provides updates on recent IPOs, listings, big stock moves or fund raising news. *Mental Models* yup, inspite of all the protests from my son we included it 🤷‍♂️. It superbly simplifies some amazing, sometimes complex, mental models to make them easy for practical application. Inspirations come from Farnam street, and more. *Tech, Products, Toys* 🤖 the last section covers the coolest gadgets, products & toys released in the week. If you're a parent that believes in self learning, or just curious about startups, tech; and love some fun writing, please do sign up at https://businessnewsforkids.subs... - will mean the world to us. 🙇‍♂️ P.S: Read this to learn more about challenges faced by gifted kids with learning disabilities and
Alok Pabalkar
Interesting Idea
Anurag Singh
@alok_pabalkar thanks alok. do subscribe :)
Urvesh Vasani
Very cool Anurag! 🙌
Anurag Singh
@urveshvasani thank so much Urvesh. ✌️
Alok Pabalkar
Interesting idea to bring info to kids and grownups alike
Aman Bathla
Please leave the kids alone! Let them grow and discover the world of their own rather than thrust tech stuff down their throat when they should ideally be spending less time online and more time interacting with the real world.
Anurag Singh
@abathla can understand that view. and yes we musn't thrust anything that kids don't want to do themselves. life is a fine balance. my 11 yr old loves the outdoors and spends plenty of time online. we both love putting this out together. 🚀 just to add - big people love it too :)
Anurag Singh
@abathla also. - it'll be really cool if you give the newsletter a read, and rate it for what it is. 🙌
Ellie Peterson
This is awesome! Love that you got your son involved in it as well.
Anurag Singh
@elliespeterson thank you Ellie. There was actually a specific reason for that. I didn't go much into it but the last few links in my first comment might shine some light :)