Friends --
In the traditional sense this is not a new product, but today we announced that we are making Burner numbers available free of charge, on an unlimited-use basis, for all people who want them for the purposes of getting out the vote or otherwise supporting the election.
I'm beyond proud of how the Burner team dove into action on this, which all started literally yesterday when we read that the NYTimes was making itself free for election coverage and thought, "what a wonderful idea -- we should do something like that too". In the course of half a day, the team spun up and shipped this, and we're all happy to share it.
As I am sure you know, turnout will be a key driver of the outcome of this election at the top of the ticket and down-ballot -- as will the work of those out there helping ensure fair and legal voting procedures are followed. If you are working in this area, thank you, and if you are not, we hope you will at least consider sharing with your politically engaged friends and family.
No one should have to compromise their own privacy to do this kind of work, and we've actually had a number of requests for bulk numbers for electioneering. This is now available for everyone -- and if using Burner helps a few people out there be less reluctant to participate in our great (if occasionally crazy) democracy, we will consider this a home run.