Jun Loayza

WritingBunny - An efficient writing service for quality lovers


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Catalina Cortés
Hello everyone! 👋 We launched ArticleBunny on Product Hunt about a year ago. Since then, we’ve been testing and improving our platform. We are now ready (and really excited) to get WritingBunny (ArticleBunny's version 2.0) out to you all. We’ve decided to offer a much broader portfolio of written content, thereby increasing both choice and value. We now cover a much wider variety of writing projects like scripts, web and blog content, email newsletters, product descriptions, press releases, reviews, white papers and articles. Take a quick look at the images to see what we offer. Go ahead and send us a few messages; we’d love to chat with you and hear what you have to say!
Christien Louviere
@catacorgu love it. Very interested in your API as a way for us to let new prospects try us out before engaging in a full content strategy with us. Email me if open to discussion. Thanks! christien@sellpersonal.com
Catalina Cortés
@clouvi @sellpersonal great! We can definitely help you with the written content you need for your clients. Someone from our sales team will follow up with you ;)
Mark - Shotkit
Sounds great! Competitively priced too. How do 'reviews' work for a physical product? Do we have to post you the item?
Catalina Cortés
Hi @shotkit! We'll ask you for some specific info. when you submit your project (see https://bunnyinc.com/writing/pro...). The idea is that you share with us all the relevant info about your product so that we can write a great review. You don't need to send us the product, you can just describe it and maybe upload a picture ;)
Tom Charde
FYI: Typo in subhead of your homepage's hero area ("fulfil").
Catalina Cortés
@tomcharde Thank you so much!! We have an American/British proofreading team, that's why :) We are fixing it right now ;) thanks!
Tom Charde
@catacorgu Are you looking for more US-based proofreaders, editors, writers?
Catalina Cortés
@tomcharde not right now but I'll let you know if we do ;) if you are interested to work as a writer in WritingBunny you can apply here: https://bunnyinc.com/writing/tal...
Christina Trostinetscaia
Great find. Our projects require quality content, for which I don't have time. Thank you for sharing!
Christina Trostinetscaia
In addition, I can see that this service has received good reviews, this is a great sign. And I know that many people don't have writing skills. For example, writing an essay at uni was a big challenge for me. So I admit that I often ordered essay writing services from these guys https://textroyal.com , who never let me down. They wrote very good essays for me that got high grades. And sometimes I need quality texts for work that I can only entrust to professionals. Therefore, I am glad that I found your service, I hope that this information is relevant now. Because I need some help writing good texts for several projects.
I was lucky enough to find a great essay writing service. I recently had an essay assignment in college, and I have always had a problem with writing such assignments. I decided to try to buy college essay. I was very worried that my essay would not be plagiarized. All my worries were in vain, the essay was unique and the best.
Toby Baudin
I will leave here a great essay especially for you  https://www.waywriting.com/