Hi there Product Hunters!
We’re really happy and proud to launch Bundle today. Bundle is the fastest way to group and organize photos and create a shared photo collection with the ones you care about. We’re on a mission to make managing, sharing and storing your photos faster, cheaper and more fun.
Why? Because the big companies out there don’t really care about your photos. They are caught up in their own world and their innovation has slowed to a crawl. Yes, they have improved their services and lowered prices. But they’ve barely invested anything in offering a simple way to organize, group and enjoy your photos together.
We’re not a big company with millions of budget, but an Amsterdam based startup with a 600K investment that loves to create intuitive and beautifully designed products. We would really like to hear your feedback on our iOS and Android app and what we can improve in the next versions. If you have any feedback or ideas, please feel free to reach out to us anytime.
For Product Hunters we have a special offer. With Bundle Backup you get unlimited photo storage in full resolution for the price of a latte macchiato ($4 per month). If you upgrade to Bundle Backup in the next thirty days, you get 50% off your first year. That’s $2 per month for one year unlimited photo storage. Go to our website and use the code “producthunt” to claim your discount.
Last but not least, have fun using Bundle!
@micheloptlandt Great work, guys! I'm a fan since the beta. Apart from social use, we've been using it to share screenshots of great UI examples within the team.
We've been using Bundle a few months at Yummygum and we're definitely fans. It's a really easy way to share photos amongst a group of people. For example, we've used it to share photos of a team bowling night.
The app is nicely designed and onboarding works really well.
I currently keep my photo albums in Dropbox. It would be great if I could easily add these as Bundles in the app
@wterhalle I agree and we are definitely looking into to this. I would love for us to create a way for you to easily create Bundles based on your Dropbox folders. Let's say...to be continued. ;)
@yoavanaki, great question :). There's a couple of sides to this question.
First of all, instead of auto-uploading all your photos, Bundle helps you pick only your best shots before storing them in the cloud. From our beta period we learned that that is about 10-20% of the photos you take. We also use duplicate detection to help you pick only the best of series of similar shots. By doing so, we greatly reduce the amount of photos stored in the cloud and thus the related server costs.
Another thing we do is that once you start using Bundle you have thirty days to decide what you want to do with your full resolution images. At the end of the period, you can upgrade to either Bundle Connect or Bundle Backup, or - if you don't take a decision - you will be automatically downgraded to Bundle Free.
With Bundle Free we offer you unlimited photo storage in normal resolution. It's a size that's great for viewing and sharing on mobile devices and web. And still way better than Whatsap.
With Bundle Connect we allow you to backup your full resolution photos at a cloud storage provider you are already using like Dropbox, Google Drive or Amazon (coming soon) for $1 per month. If you use this option, Bundle will keep a normal resolution photo on its server (which is great for viewing on mobile devices), but your full resolution photos will be offloaded of Bundle's servers and stored on for instance Dropbox. This greatly reduces the server costs as these normal resolution photos have much smaller file sizes than the full resolution ones.
Bundle Backup offers unlimited full resolution photo storage for $4 per month. This pricing is quite competitive, but we can offer it for two reasons.
1) since we don't give users a free 10GB tier like other companies do, our paying user don't have to subsidise those free user.
2) by using this 30 day period for users in which they have to decide on either upgrading to keep there full resolution images or downgrading to Bundle free with normal resolution photos only, we again reduce the amount of data stored on our servers.
I've been up for almost 24 hours, so I hope this still makes sense ;). Cheers!
Wow, thanks for all the support everyone! Really awesome to hear your thoughts after spending the last months working towards our launch. I've written up an in-depth blog post about the vision behind Bundle, how it works and what makes Bundle different. Please feel free to give it a read and a share. https://medium.com/@bundle/intro...
This is really cool! The UI is great, and I love how the albums are organized.
There's a startup called Fotofox which was featured here on PH a few days ago, and I have to ask you guys the same question I asked them: Everpix and several other photo storage startups folded because they couldn't keep up with the steep sever costs. How would you ensure this doesn't happen with Bundle?
Feature request. Sometimes when I'm in a bundle with someone (friend of a friend), I don't have his number. Would be nice to be able to send him a request to connect/exchange numbers. Good for the viral engine ass well.
@ppkorevaar The app looks really great, but I get this correctly that the app requires me to have a phone number to use this? Feels a bit off to be honest, already provided my email address. Also, my phone number changes quite often depending on where I am.
@krausefx After some debate we decided that we would use your phone number as an unique identifier to link bundles as most people don't often change their phone number. But we will certainly keep improving our sign up flow to remove as much friction as possible.
@robinvw1 Mh, sorry I have to disagree here. I'm pretty sure the email address should be the unique identifier, not the phone number. I just cancelled my contracts and went with data only. Using FaceTime, Telegram, iMessages, Email, etc. but no phone. I'm probably a bit extrem in that field, but more and more people will do something similar over the next years.
Would love to be able to store photos in AWS... Is this in the pipeline? Also, how are families handled? Currently using PictureLife and am using a single account for both mine and my wife's iPhones.
@jadojodo Hi Jordan, the option to connect Bundle to your AWS account is definitely something we are working on. :) Are you using one PictureLife account on different devices? A Family plan sounds like something that could be really interesting for us.
@ppkorevaar We are using one PictureLife account on two devices: Mine and my wife's. It's not exactly what it's designed for but we want to be able to have our photos shared between us.
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