I'm shocked why aren't we talking about BuildBox. It's a super intuitive tool that is changing the way how people are making games on Mobile. It's so popular among designers who are eager to release polished games without any effort. You should definitely give it a try.
Looks really awesome 😃
Have a few questions, just to get to know BuildBox better 😀
Looks like it really performs well, how does the performance compare to manual coding?
What type of code do you output, is it native on the mentioned devices or is it some sort of cross platform code like HTML5 with JS and WebGL?
At some point in the video it seemed like there was some sort of pseudo 3D going on, is 3D possible with this gamer builder?
Would really like to try it out myself at some point!
There are a lot of game tools on the market today, and many of them have very competent free versions, such as Unity 3D, or unique implementations like the English-language like LiveCode to appeal to specialty markets. Here's what I like about what I am seeing with Buildbox:
- It comes across as about the easiest way to get started and also get immediate, useful feedback
- There are implied structures (node structure menu, etc) that make me think its designed for extensibility of features beyond the base logic we are seeing now
- The number of platforms supported seems spot on
Here's where I see it needs some improvement:
- As others have mentioned, the initial pricing is steep for indie adoption; digital production houses and any company buyer isn't going to have much of a problem with the price. But this price will gatekeep many who could otherwise afford it and the free tutorials / contest / etc won't do a lot to offset that. Pricing / structure could use some work.
- The types of games it supports seem to be narrow in focus; I would find this tool even more attractive if it could do adventure games like Visionnaire as that would also open up the children's market for games
- It isn't immediately clear to me how this handles multi-lingual games, which are critical for making the most out of your releases in non English Europe and money spending Japanese and Chinese speakers.
I don't think real, interactive 3D is something that is needed here; rather Id push towards interactive / vr 360 degree stuff like the video you can now export from OneRender and now supported by Facebook and cool new vr hardware.
@cedriking - agree, the price is high vs. Construct2 or GamesSalad - but BuildBox is a lot easier to use. Have you ever tried to add banners and interstitials to C2 games for example? It is doable, sure. But it requires quite a bit of knowledge and skill. BuildBox is really aimed at people who are great designers, have good ideas for games but don't know programming. I only test drove BuildBox for 30 days and liked it, but I also prefer C2 and GamesSalad as I am using these tools to teach my kids the basics of coding and game dev - something I could not achieve with BuildBox. For someone starting out, BuildBox is great and you can fairly easily make the $99/month back if you get a few games into the app stores.
@bopfger@cedriking I only have added banners from AdMob, but that step is easy with a plugin from the community, you only have to download the plugin, and then add the id of your AdMob banner, and yes the price is high but also it's not high for everyone. I find that BuildBox has a beautiful design and I'm sure it's great, the price is high, but yes, I think you can do some stuff a littler faster with them than other alternatives I have tried and using.
For those complaining of the high price - I'm not a user of BuildBox or its competition, but have been following its development. I think it's important to note that the founder of BuildBox is incredibly talented at marketing and has done tons of research on app monetization. I don't think BuildBox only helps you build apps, but also helps you monetize, so there's a lot of value there.
I have the tool since it was first released. I see its potential, but without previous experience, the tool alone didn't do it for me.
When I used Photoshop for the first time, I really understood its potential. BuildBox has always felt like a few preset game types. That's good in practical terms, but severely limiting in creative ones.
Hope that doesn't take away from the simplicity of building a game; props to Trey for bundling up his method for building a game. It's great software -- many people using it have delivered Top 10 games.
I am a proud buildbox user, and I've seen some crazy good games come out by folks using this. For building casual games, I don't think there is a easier way to get going. And trust me..I've tried most of em. Congrats Trey, Good to see you here.
Buildbox is very good for mobile game developers who want to create nice casual and arcade games in minutes, But for advanced developers the tools can be very limited, I believe BuildBox 3 will fix most of this problems.
Easy to create game, No programing skills required.
Limited to expend, No custom extensions or codes, Very expensive compared to other game tools.
Valentina Studio
Animals True or False
Animals True or False
Invoice Sherpa
Buildbox is very good for mobile game developers who want to create nice casual and arcade games in minutes, But for advanced developers the tools can be very limited, I believe BuildBox 3 will fix most of this problems.
Pros:Easy to create game, No programing skills required.
Cons:Limited to expend, No custom extensions or codes, Very expensive compared to other game tools.