Josh Orr

Outlining for Content Performance - Build outlines for better content and workflow, step by step


Outlines are the backbone of high-performing content – and any content marketing team that's built to last. This guide and template lead you through the entire process: from SEO specs to research, copywriter communication to proper HTML tagging.

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Josh Orr
Hey everyone! Every day we help marketing managers improve their content performance. It’s amazing how many of them have never used outlines in their production. Outlines ensure that content is built with purpose, SEO strategy, and real value for readers. Plus, they save editors and writers *lots* of time. After walking numerous companies through the process, we’re sharing it – and our outline templates– with the world. (For free: no email required.) We'll be updating this in the future, so please hit us up with *any* comments or questions, either here or via chat at
This is a useful product. Thanks for sharing