Hiten Shah

Bugsee - See video, network & logs leading up to bugs or crashes

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Alex Fishman
Thanks for hunting us @hnshah! Hi Product Hunters, this is Alex from Bugsee.  We’re stoked to be here today, so we’re offering a Product Hunt exclusive 30% discount to anyone who signs up today (no credit card required). Bugsee is a bug and crash reporting tool for iOS and Android apps. Like a black box on an airplane, Bugsee locally records everything that the app is doing. Whenever a bug occurs, everything you need to debug has already been recorded and available in an easy to view format: - Video of user’s actions + touch events (including in live apps) - Network traffic (including body) - Console logs (including print in swift on iOS10) - And so much more… Also, last month, CrashProbe — the ultimate benchmark for mobile crash reporters — named Bugsee as the #1 crash reporter for iOS — http://www.crashprobe.com/ios/ Technical stuff about Bugsee: - Added with just one line of code - Increases the app size by ~300KB - Passes all App Store certifications (uses only public APIs) - Does not slow down the UI of a live app - Secure fields are obstructed in the video recording - Does not stream, while requiring only ~4MB of local storage - Has a negligible impact on battery life - Documentation: https://docs.bugsee.com/ - Fully functional demo: https://www.bugsee.com/demo (no signup required) Hope to hear from you all on how we can improve Bugsee. Thank you! PS: If you’re interested in one (or more) of our stickers — let me know and I’ll ship them to you right away https://twitter.com/BugseeHQ/sta... PPS: If you’re curious about Bugsee’s backstory, here it is https://medium.com/@fishman/my-c...
@fishmanalex Video capture has been a very helpful feature for diagnosing and managing bug reports. Thanks for building a great product and sharing your insights along the way!
Alex Fishman
@mohsin585 Thank you Mohsin. Glad you like it!
Dmitry Fink
@mohsin585 Mohsin. Your feedback was very valuable and helped us build a better product, thank you :)
Kevin Leneway
@fishmanalex I can't wait to try this out! Non-iOS devs have no idea what a pain point remote debugging is. For example, here is our latest crash report from "the other guys": #788 - Foundation - _NSErrnoMessage. And yes, that is the entire message. Video is a game changer, really excited for this.
Alex Fishman
@kleneway Thank you for kind words, Kevin. We know, that's why we decided to build Bugsee a year ago. Ping me if you have any questions. Cheers!
Hiten Shah
Bugsee helps you debug your app bugs much faster. It combines bug reports with video to actually show you exactly what your user's experienced in your app. Worth checking out if you have an iOS and/or Android app.
Sergio Krawchuk
A class dump shows that the iOS SDK borrows significant code from PLCrashReporter, protobuf-c, and HockeySDK... In some cases changing the copied class name (i.e. BugseePLCrashReport). It seems that at best, consumers of the Bugsee SDK will be violating the license agreements for the above software packages, and at worst this seems to be outright code theft. Am I overlooking anything?
Dmitry Fink
@sergiokrawchuk Hi, Sergio. Thank you for your comment. PLCrashReporter is pretty much the industry golden standard for implementing crash reporting, it is open source, has a very permissive license and is used by pretty much every SDK and app implementing crash reporting capabilities. In order to prevent collisions in linkage between different SDKs and let them coexist, PLC even has a built-in "namespace" mechanism for prefixing all the functions at built time, that is exactly what is used in prefixing all the functions with "Bugsee". protobuf has Apache license and is distributed as part of PLC. If there are any license violations we would be happy to look into them and fix asap, feel free to contact me personally at finik@bugsee.com or @finikk if you have any other concerns.
Michael Khait
We have been using Bugsee at EdCast for a few month now. By far, the fastest way to report bugs.
Alex Fishman
@michael_khait Thank you Michael!
Dmitry Fink
@michael_khait And it will get even faster, soon. Your feature request for being able to file bugs for web with screenshots and annotate them is still on our todo, we didn't forget. Stay tuned :)
Sergey Pirogov
Really cool! Especially the UX with screenshots. It's real pain in the neck to make good bugreports. Can I expect support of tvOS and watchOS?
Alex Fishman
@perpetuous Thank you for the kind words, Sergey!!! We're looking into other platforms, but no dates yet. Happy to keep you posted.
Sergey Pirogov
@fishmanalex With a pleasure will upvote your future huntings, like "Bugsee for Apple Watch" and "Bugsee for Apple TV" ;)
Alex Fishman
@perpetuous Got it. Will keep you posted :)
Dmitry Fink
@perpetuous Sergey, do you mind being the beta tester for these? Send me and email to finik@bugsee.com and you will be one of the first to know when we have something to show. Cheers!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
Love the video capture feature. It lets me see exactly what happened so that I can recreate the issue and fix it.
Alex Fishman
@nassaraf Thank you Naomi! Exactly right - lets you understand what led to the problem
@fishmanalex @nassaraf Well said, Naomi! That really captures the essence of why Bugsee is such an amazing developer tool
Alex Fishman
@mohsin585 @nassaraf oh you're too kind, Mohsin!!
Lev Glick
Looks like a very cool product. Leaves others far behind.
Alex Fishman
@levglick Thanks for the kind words, Lev! Glad you liked it.
Ahmad Tolba
Thanks for this, I liked it really, one question tho, what it's main difference from something like "https://instabug.com" ?
Dmitry Fink
@ahmgeek Thanks Ahmad. Instabug does in-app bug by recording some static data and screenshot and letting the user draw on it. Bugsee is conceptually different, it gives the developer much more context, it shows him how user got to that screen in the first place. It records video of the last minute, touches, network traffic with headers and body, all console logs, system traces, etc. Bugsee web player allows developers to replay all of these in a synchronized manner. Most importantly, when user sees a bug, he doesn't need to reproduce it again, or try to remember the steps he took to get to this state, he just reports, everything has been already recorded for him! This makes a huge difference, and saves hours for users, testers and developers.
Sebastián León
This is awesome, been looking for an alternative to Crashlytics since Twitter sold it to Google. Very happy that an independent solution is out there 🔥 Has anyone here installed it? Would be cool to hear about the SDK's effect on app performance and stability.
Alex Fishman
@sebfeed Thanks, Sebastian. We hear this sentiment quite often. As for your question, yes, we have many customers live in the app store. Some of them were kind enough to comment above. Here is example, an email we received yesterday from one of our customers Jamie D.
Sebastián León
@fishmanalex right on, I've read through the testimonials on your website, but i'd like to hear folks directly address performance differences.
Alex Fishman
@sebfeed Fair enough. I'll let someone jump in here then.
Alex Fishman
@sebfeed I'm biased, hence won't comment, other than probably - check it our for yourself :)
Amit Tiwari
Very nice product. Can't wait to give it a try.
Alex Fishman
@pipipzz Thank you, Amit! Can't wait to see you!
Vladislav Protasov
Look really nice and I love the logo :) Does Bugsee work with cross platform apps, like Cordova/PhoneGap, etc?
Dmitry Fink
@flighthack Hi Vladislav. Glad you like the logo. Yes, Cordova/PhoneGap is definitely supported (see https://docs.bugsee.com/sdk/cord... for more info). We work with React Native applications as well. Let me know if you have any questions or need help integrating with your app.
Robert Spivack
This is a great service. With Twitter selling out Fabric/Crashlytics to the "you are the product, not the customer" Google, it is a great time to re-consider how you are handling your crash reporting.
Alex Fishman
@spivr Thank you Robert. That's quite a common sentiment. We obviously do not do anything with your data and do not sell it or use it for profit. Period.
Brendan Beirne
Cheers to Alex & team... Interested to try this out. The more visibility we have into users' experiences, the better.
Alex Fishman
@brendanbeirne Thank you Brendan! Ping me if you have any questions.
Harsha Halvi
Neat product , excited to try this one out for an upcoming app of mine. The landing is slick :) All the best for the road ahead
Alex Fishman
@h_halvi Thanks for the kind words, Harsha! Looking forward to working with you.
Bugsee is definitely a wonderful tool for developers! And the easy bug reporting is my fav! My colleagues even those of non-tech in nature appreciates it. Congrats Bugsee team!
Alex Fishman
@mistakenlyiteps Thank you for your kind words, Steffi!
Josh English
Fantastic app our team uses this app often. Alex and the team have built a great product and I cannot wait to see the iterations the product continues to morph into.
Alex Fishman
@joshenglish Thanks for the kind words, John. All I do is tweeting, the rest is done by @finikk and awesome the team
Dmitry Fink
@joshenglish Thank you, Josh. Better yet, please give us your feedback and send us feature requests to make sure it morphs into something that is even more useful to you :)
Tony Freed
Awesome! Signed up. Already love it :)
Alex Fishman
@tony_freed Thank you Tony! Let me know if you have any questions.
Vadim Peskov
Bugsee the first that you need to install when you stat developing apps!
Alex Fishman
@vadimpeskov Thank you Vadim for your input during product dev.
Laszlo Levente Mári
2 very good products launched on PH today and I couldn't be happier. Alex and his team delivers. Very solid product
Alex Fishman
@noxowe Thank you for kind words, Laszlo! The team is great!
Stephen Radford
This looks great and we'll definitely be checking it out as a replacement to Crashlytics. We've had a few issues with it and now Fabric's been acquired by Google we're weary of its future.
Alex Fishman
@steve228uk Thank you for the kind words, Stephen! We have many customers switching away from other solutions. And yes, your sentiment around the recent acquisition is quite common.