Brian Hurst

BudgetDuo - Easily determine your share of household expenses


Calculate how much you and your partner should contribute towards shared expenses.

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Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @hursey013, Can you tell us more about your product and how it differs from other similar ones out there?
Brian Hurst
Hi @jacqvon, thanks for the opportunity to show off my project! BudgetDuo was inspired by a fairly simple spreadsheet my wife and I use to help divvy up household expenses. It's extremely easy to get started, just enter your recurring monthly bills, then choose how you'd like to split them - either 50/50, ad-hoc, or proportional to your income. The income based split is really where BudgetDuo shines compared to similar tools. Using you and your partner's income the calculator will provide a breakdown of the overall percentage you owe, as well as a monthly and per paycheck amount. There are many different ways to handle shared expenses in a relationship, and BudgetDuo let's you easily compare a few of those options. Ultimately, folks should do what works best for them, but my hope is that BudgetDuo will help add some insight as couples are developing their plan. Thank you!
Logan Boyd
Love it. Simple, easy to use. Would love the option to add multiple people in as I have had roommates as well living with me and my girlfriend. Having the ability for say, my roommate to pay half, and then we split my half or give us the option to split it into 1/3's. But I understand it wouldn't fit the "duo" theme you have going right now though. Really great! Clean, and easy to use is great too.
Brian Hurst
@mastemine Appreciate the feedback and kind words! I thought a lot about allowing more than two people but decided not to go that route to keep things simple. I think there are tools out there that do a great job for managing expenses between larger groups, but doing so also introduces some additional complexity that I wanted to avoid for at least the time being.