is rough around the edges but the concept is interesting and if @ivanNYC can make the email --> real-time chat transition seamless (for both regular users and those unfamiliar with the product), I think there's something here.
Ivan - so many startups have tried to improve email (just search for "email" on Product Hunt and you'll see dozens of relatively new products). Why enter this graveyard? :)
@rrhoover - too often we go at problems trying to find a perfect solution which tend to come with overhead.
We focussed on something with no barrier to entry. It works for everyone that has an email address (so everyone) on any device. It doesn't aim to revolutionize behavior just to make a common tool better.
You are totally right though, lots have tried and failed. We took this on as an experiment in product market fit. 6 weeks to launch to see if it flies.
Thanks @acondurache. @rrhoover is pushing for a chrome extension which is definitely top of the list. Besides rounding out the rough edges, we are also working on custom tools like a scheduling tool so you can pick a date with people you are chatting with, a little poll tool, etc.
I really like the no friction approach to this app. This is something that a lot of apps could learn from. I am trying to figure out how it fits into my life wiht my plethora of messaging and chat applications. Between Gchat, Slack, Messenger, snapchat, Gmail's pseudo handling of email as chat plus others, finding the right moment to use is the big challenge for this product. @ivannyc where do you see this fitting into this world?
@jlax the hypothesis behind is that some users will never be able to commit to a new platform and will remain email-centric. This might be because they don't want to commit to a new workflow (or pay for a new platform) or because the people they interact with won't.
Considering those users, we built a product that had to works for them: no barrier to entry, works with everyone, on every device.
@AlokVasudev from early testing there seem to be 2 categories of use cases relevant to us.
1 - "Casual" business use cases: offices with no official platform who want to adopt something without having to ask anyone, people working across companies, working with freelancers and who want quicker, richer, more collaboration-friendly communication software.
2 - Serious personal use cases: this is decision making. Think planning trips (options and people to coordinate), deciding on a purchase, etc.
This space between the professional and the the personal is where we are looking to start.
As always though other behaviors are emerging we had not planned for like folks using this to just send Youtube videos back and forth over long periods of time or to have content rich chats during sporting events. So maybe we'll be surprised!
Hey everybody,
We released a huge update to
Still works the same way, copy onto any email and everyone gets invited to a private chat. Getting nice early usage form marketers, sales teams and educators.
More details on the release here
Would love to know what you think.
@Ivannyc you should take a look at Hop. They tried to combine chat and email into one UI - it was a very different approach, but it might be of interest.
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