Quick design briefs for aspiring creatives
Joel Rosen
Good Finds By Briefbox β€” A curated list of awesome resources for designers
Our ongoing collection of awesome resources for designers curated by the Briefbox Team including helpful blogs, podcasts, books, foundries, inspiration sites and heaps more. Updated regularly and with love! 😎
Joel Rosen
Hey Guys! Joel here founder of Briefbox. I realised I never shared our free ongoing collection; Good Finds. I started Good Finds about 8 months ago as a way to keep providing helpful tools & resources to our students using Briefbox. Since then, the collection has been going strong and we aim to provide varied sources like podcasts, type foundries, inspiration sites & more. Hope you find it helpful! - Joel
Dagobert Renouf
Great collection of resources with all things design πŸ”₯
This is awesome thanks πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Julian Paul
Literally beautiful resource collection! Thanks so much for collecting these over the past months Joel :)
Ramavtar Jadhav
Boris Werner