@rrhoover - Agreed.. When you start seeing these third party businesses popping up it's a def signal in regards to the growth opportunity in the ride sharing economy.
btw.. love the reply feature!
Fascinating concept and one that I know that companies are activating on in other local Uber/lyft markets.
Would love @jjpang to join us and tell us how things are going.
Whoa. Interesting to see companies pop up to support nascent niche companies/industries like this. Reminds me of a product I saw on Hacker News a while back providing deep, simple insights specifically just for Stripe customers.
I like this, but how long before companies like Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar partner directly with rental companies to offer these to their drivers ? Uber/Enterprise would be a great partnership, as they usually have Black-car -type vehicles for rent.
@BlendahTom That's funny stuff. I missed that article, but know some at Enterprise - that's why I mentioned it. Next, they'll need to partner with an insurance company if this goes trough.
This is really smart. I think Uber and Lyft would be doing this themselves if the insurance complications weren't so difficult (and didn't pose such massive reputational risk for multi billion dollar companies). Uber can't afford the PR nightmare that could come from an insurance disaster... but Breeze can.
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