Jill Salzman

Breaking Down Your Business Ep #168 — Top 5 emails you are going to write one million times


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Jill Salzman
Are there emails that you write over and over and over again? Ever thought about creating a template so that you don’t have to re-write the darn thing on repeat? Over time, Jill and Brad have learned that it’s good business practice to do so — and they learned the hard way. While there are well over 285,492 emails that you could keep on file so that you don’t have to think them up again, you may as well hone in on the Top 5 Emails You Are Going To Write One Million Times (So Make A Template). It does a body good. Tune in to find out exactly what, where, how, why and when to write those up, and hear all about Clean Forks’ Shelley Davidescu and how she impacts thousands of lives.