Donté Ledbetter

Mobile Marketing 101 Course - Designed with your customers and ROI in mind

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Donté Ledbetter
Hey folks, Donte here from Appboy. As a leading marketing CRM, we’re constantly iterating on our platform to make it more powerful, flexible, intelligent, and valuable to marketers. But we’re also deeply invested in educating marketers on the best ways to build better relationships with customers and drive ROI. With that said, we're excited to launch a free email course that will give you the essentials for building an effective mobile marketing strategy from scratch. In addition to the eight emails you'll receive over the course of four weeks that cover everything from testing, to segmentation, to goal-setting, to messaging, and more, you’ll also get eight resources to help you execute on the information in the emails, including: - Two spreadsheets to help you document your goals and tests - Two worksheets to help you plan your campaigns and define your customer journeys - A cheat sheet with 10 growth hacks to help you grow your brand and a segmentation cheat sheet to spark ideas for segments - A guide to multichannel marketing and a guide for vetting potential marketing partners during the RFP process We’re confident you’ll find the course useful. Hit me up if you have any questions!