Effortlessly enhance your search functionality with Brand Search API. Our free and always up-to-date API lets you autocomplete brand names in real-time, giving you the world's brands at your fingertips.
Hi Product Hunt! 👋
We're thrilled to announce another launch from Brandfetch: the highly requested Brand Search API.
With this new API, you can easily search for brand names and match them to their corresponding URLs, enabling you to create rich autocomplete experiences like the one on our website, all at no cost (we just ask for attribution).
We created this API because a lot of our users couldn't find their own brand on Brandfetch, and other solutions in the market were outdated or not properly maintained.
The Brand Search API is also a great addition to the Brand API, you can now match a brand name to its URL and then use the Brand API to fetch all available data associated with that brand.
Give it a try, and let us know what you think!
P.S. If you add your brand on Brandfetch, it will magically appear on the autocomplete.
Congrats on the launch of Brand Search API! It looks like a great way to make searching easier, faster, and more efficient. Let's see how it makes a difference!