Functional music to improve focus
Junaid Kalmadi
Brain.fm for iOS β€” Music for the brain to improve focus, meditation & sleep

Give your brain what it needs to get the best of it. Brain.fm will provide you with the music you need to meditate, relax, sleep, work or focus. The first results start to show after 15 minutes of listening to appropriate music for the activity you take up. All that is powered by advanced AI and designed especially for the brain!

Sam Christie
I love brain.fm. Super stoked on this, enough that I just got a yearly sub. I've been rockin' the free sessions for a while but I've used it enough to know that you guys deserve my $$. Kudos.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
YESSS!! I use this everyday since I discovered it, congrats @brainfmadam & co!
Adam Hewett
@bramk And a thanks to you sir!
Kent Fenwick
I use Brain.fm every day! I bought a lifetime subscription during it's first week. It really does work, I never do work without it, and if I do, I miss it. This iOS app is also beautifully designed!
Shahed Khan
Top Product
Love love LOVE this new update. I've been using Brain.fm since when they first launched here on Product Hunt. This made my week.
Nathan Sudds
I love Brain.fm and use it almost everyday -- before that I just used standard binaural beats technology but this makes it much easier and has added value. I've been using the webapp on Android and Desktop whenever I need to get things done or the nap session often too. Having ADHD, I find it hard to get in a flow for work but when I remind myself to use this and get past the feeling of not working --- I almost always get into a flow or at least doing something productive. I recommend it often to coaching clients, as an ADHD and Meditation coach with good feedback from anyone who has tried it. I think a mobile app version just makes this that much more accessible, not sure if the iOS version has offline capabilities but that's the one thing I'd love to have for flights or to prevent bandwidth usage when I'm not on wifi. Definitely give this a try if you've never experienced binaural beats, you may see results in your first session but there's results that I personally have seen from using this audio technology that go well beyond that when you use it over an extended period of time. Lots of good information online about the benefits, I won't go on about that here just wanted to share. I bought the lifetime version on a special offer much like the one they are offering Product Hunters but even at their monthly rate, for many people reading this, if you get one more hour of productivity, you can easily justify paying for it.
Adam Hewett
@nathansudds Thanks Nathan! Yep the apps have offline features. We're already progressing very fast on the Android version. Our programmer Dan Clark was very smart in his use of React Native so it shouldn't be long. I'm with you, by the way - I'm an Android guy, Nexus all the way. So I want this as much as you do :)
Erik van Mechelen
@nathansudds cheers, added to my 'No bullshit productivity' collection :)
Nathan Sudds
@brainfmadam Looking forward to the Android version for the offline mode alone, everything else works pretty good --- until I get on a plane or I'm mobile and don't want to tear up my bandwidth ;)
Eric Anderson
Brain.fm is really amazing. I use it quite a bit when I'm working. Any time I'm working and start to feel stressed or unfocused, I toss on Brain.fm and I feel much more relaxed and in the zone with what I'm working on. Awesome service!
Dave Gerhardt
Warning: Brain.FM might make you TOO productive πŸ“ˆ
Vinay Hiremath
Simply put: Brain.fm is changing the game when it comes to enhancing my output at work. The entire Opentest team is on it, and these updates to the product are incredible. Keep crushing it Brain.fm team!
David Cancel
Yay!!! So happy to finally have brain.fm on my phone!
Travis Werbelow
Love Brain.fm, been a lifetime member for quite some time now. Excited to have it my phone now :)
Reggie Cole
I love Brain.fm. I have used countless productivity tips, tricks and tools. This one is hands down a must have. I recommend everyone try it. I have problems focusing and getting motivated and I've used music in the past to help me complete tasks. Brain.fm helps me get motivated and stay motivated. I am so happy to see this on Product Hunt. I hope this spreads because this is a great service. My subscription to Brain.fm is just as important as the family Netflix subscription. I hope that says a lot, to whom ever hasn't yet tried it, about its effectiveness.
Vikas Jain
Have been using this product for quite some time now. Thanks for bringing the app out. Would recommend this to anyone who needs focus while working.
Stelios Pardalakis
I just downloaded the app so no comments there yet but I have been using brain.fm for a few months and it's a great tool. It helped me so much with my meditation and focus! Do register it's worth it.
Paul Arcoleo
Been a paying user of Brain.fm for a while, and it's my go-to get shit done music at work. Been patiently waiting for the iOS app, and I'm stoked.
Lewis Bertolucci
BIG fan of Brain.fm! Early adopter and it's one of the most used apps on my phone. I've seen significant differences when using the app when working (focus) and much deeper and uninterrupted sleep at night, which helps me feel far more refreshed in the morning. The relax function is great as well when on the train leaving the office from a tough day or to get my mind right into my commute to work. Great job, team! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
PierreOlivier Carles
I'm glad you guys finally brought your service to my phone. Brain.fm has been an amazing companion when I need to focus. Thanks!
Chris Underdown
Love it! Do you have any plans for an API for us techies?
Adam Hewett
@chrisunderdown Oh man, what a dream! In the background I've been building "themes" and "instrument sets" with the idea that in the future a user could easily select any combination - for example, say I'm a bit eclectic and I enjoy Bongo Drums with a full Symphony Orchestra and a Jazz Flute. Well, we can combine all of those and shoot you off a custom session! This would be a lot farther in development if not for some unexpected problems. Interesting - fascinating! - problems. I hope to have a blog and start rambling about this stuff soon.
Hashi Kaar
Hi Adam, this is really awesome. You will get result within 10-30 seconds of listening.
David Feng
I've been listening to a focus session for roughly 15 minutes now and really enjoying it so far. This needs to connect to my Echo! How do you take into account of the age metric? If I change my age to 25 from 32, will I get a different selection? @brainfmadam @jkalmadi
Junaid Kalmadi
@davidsfeng @brainfmadam Hey David! Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far. The age metric along with others is going into our upcoming content recommendation algorithms (akin to pandora's music genome project)
Shoukri K.
A question regarding safety since there is AI and automatic generation of waves involved how do you guys guarantee safety and that you don't suddenly generate harmful waves; examples would be many of the binaural wave (drugs) such as referenced here https://www.vice.com/en_us/artic... I have used a binaural wave "program" in the past and have had some serious side effects (mild depression, muscle twitching, etc.) and I didn't even realize it was caused by the program until I stopped.