Interesting approach. I can see how this would appeal to many types of SMB type providers. The hard part I think is for them to understand exactly your value proposition. How are you getting the word out?
@lynnfredricks - Thanks for the question Lynn. We agree that the static sites of the near future will offer a lot of value to SMBs. We're definitely interested in working with providers and agencies serving them. We're actively working with agencies/providers and are developing tools to fit that use case. How would you suggest we get the word out?
@lynnfredricks - I should also note that we've had agencies compare aspects of our platform to a la carte tools that they are already using (landers, git management, hosting for Jekyll, payment integration), bundling those services together is a cost and time saver.
@chadperson@lynnfredricks That's a good question because its not such a great proposition to pursue a whole bunch of verticals all at once. A quick question though, which might help with this - along with payments, do you also have built in support for digital downloads / goods?
@lynnfredricks -
Yes, we offer easy to use policy controls that would allow distribution of digital content and digital downloads.
First, we allow you to protect access to directories based on a number of user characteristics (e.g. 'has the visitor/user submitted a payment' or 'do they have an active subscription'). Here's a guide that shows how to protect a 'confirmation' directory following a payment:
You can also leverage our Zapier integration to deliver digital content through a third-party email service following a purchase. Here is a resource on our integration:
great concept. I'm literally using and medium to piece together a quick and easy landing page + a blog.
when I get back home tonight, I'll give it a try to see how fast I can actually roll out a full site. i have a few domains that need some landing pages. =)
@taylorhou - Thanks Taylor - If you roll with one of our hosted Jekyll templates it'll take you about 3min to set up a landing page and blog. Style and post your content, then push to deploy. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes. Reach out to me on twitter if you need anything.
Hey Andrew, I'm Chad one of the makers. Thanks for adding us to Product Hunt!
We initially conceived of BowTie to help us string together services and create our own MVPs faster. We turned BowTie into a product because we realized that our service layers made it easier to do more with many static sites.
BowTie has been in closed beta since March and we’re happy to share this release with everyone. We’re really thankful for all the people that have shared their time, energy, and ideas with us. This is just the beginning, and we’re excited for the journey ahead.
Valentina Studio
Valentina Studio