Nicolas Grenié

Botletter - Send newsletters on Facebook Messenger

Botletter is a similar service as Mailchimp, but instead of using emails we use Facebook Messenger. Without any coding, you can connect our technology to your Facebook Page. Then people can subscribe to your botletter right through Messenger. You will be able to send them messages with rich cards attached whenever you want.

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Nicolas Le Roux
Hi Product Hunt family! Thank you Nicolas for the hunt! Three years ago, I was studying Public Affairs and decided to learn programming by myself. Since then, some of my projects already got hunted on Product Hunt. Today, I’m really excited to present my very first SaaS product! 🙀 Botletter allows any company to send updates to their audience right into Facebook Messenger. It’s a similar service as Mailchimp, but instead of using emails we use Facebook Messenger. They are two main benefits: - The average open rate with Botletter is 80% (against 20% for email newsletters). - The average click through rate is two to three time higher than email newsletters. Without any coding, you can connect our technology to your Facebook Page. Then people can subscribe to your botletter right through Messenger (your fans will not be automatically subscribed). You will be able to send them messages with rich cards attached whenever you want (see it in action here: Last but not least, we will get access to all the data to measure the impact on your business: the list of your subscribers, who opened your botletters and how many times they clicked on it. I had love get some feedback and I'm happy to answer your questions ;) Nicolas.
Sangeet Jaiswal
@nico_lrx Hi Nicolas, I would like to know what happens, when facebook stops allowing people to send direct messages as a newsletter. How does your product address that?
Sean Wiese

I don't want to recreate a newsletter by hand when its automated in mail chip, etc. Would like to use Zapier or something that would trigger a bot letter notification that my full newsletter is now published.


Easy setup, quick customer service


Needs to integrate with existing marketing channels


I have been using it for 3 weeks. Definitely a great tool in order to increase your engagement with your community


Increased reach



I absolutely love the idea. I've stopped read newsletters for a while. Even PH one. Sorry Ryan :) You'll have the must have service when it will be possible to subscribe for a newsletter just by passing an email adress or something else;
Nicolas Le Roux
@mygreg Indeed, Facebook does not allow such a feature yet but who knows in the future. The good thing with people having to subscribe themselves is that they really want to receive messages so your list is really qualitative.
@nico_lrx well it's a debate we could have. I can't use my personal story as a main way to act but you can subscribe to a NL just to "support" a cause or a product, without opening a single one NL.
Nicolas Le Roux
@mygreg You're right! I guess if you share good content / information, people will read your NL, that's the only way to make succeed a NL for me.
Congratulations on the launch! :) It seems full featured from the start, well done. I'm not familiar with Messenger, does it mean that users will get a notification every time a message is out, or is there a possibility for some kind of aggregation? I like the idea of being able to manage transactional messages with it. Sending transactional emails that allow user to reply is always a PITA ("you can reply to this mail directly, but PLEASE PLEASE DON'T WRITE ANYTHING BELLOW THAT LINE!"). Using such actionable messages through IM sounds so obvious you have to wonder why it wasn't done before.
Nicolas Le Roux
@oelmekki Hi Olivier! Yes, when you send a botletter, subscribers will receive a Messenger notification just like when a friend sends you a message. I agree for transactional emails, my goal is that in the future botletter becomes a hub for all businesses' communications with their users / audience. I think it could for exemple be really effective for marketing automation :)
Krishna De
What a great idea. I look forward to testing it and have added it to my curations. - Wondering if there is a growth tool such as with Chatfuel and Manychat where people can post a message in a post on Facebook and then it will automatically direct them to the newsletter in Messenger? - Also have you implemented a way that you entice people onto your email database should anything happen re Facebook Messenger in the future - I am interested in what you have done to encourage people to do that - I also went over to your page on Facebook to subscribe to your news letter - it asked if I wanted to subscribe - I was anticipating a yes/no button - there was not one so I typed in yes but there was no response in terms of saying I had been added to a list and when I could expect to get the news letter? - and one of the challenges re Messenger is the circular loop people get into when they don;t want to talk to a bot but to the people from the org - how do you manage that process with your app? - and is the procing per page or can you have multiple pages against those different plans cumulatively? - I am also wondering what people are doing re their current news letters such as using ConvertKit - are they copying over the content and replicating it in Messenger using your tool? What it the benefit of your tool versus setting up a chat bot without it being a newsletter but delivering the content - I can not see your news letter so can not see how it is formatted. Thanks
Krishna De
@nico_lrx I went to try to use the chatbot and was going through the process on the first screen to decide which pages I wanted to give access to and the first couple of criteria were fine but then moving on the radio buttons disappeared to the right of the popup window so I could not select pages to give permission to and had to stop the registration for the bot I am on Windows 10 and operating on Firefox Thoughts?
Anfernee Chansamooth
@krishnade great questions. I'm curious about these too. I think a nice tool to compliment this one would be one that helped people map out their bot/ email sequences first.
Krishna De
@anferneec Thanks - looking forward to hearing the answers and yes being able to map out your flow in advance of developing a bot is essential - there are some chatbot tools that have that as a feature built in but a stand alone tool with prompts for entrepreneurs who want to create their own chat bot is a great idea.
Købi Heisenberg-Dænger Ømenækå
@krishnade ! How are you doing? I have a few questions for these guys!
Nicolas Le Roux
Hello @krishnade, thanks for your questions. - Wondering if there is a growth tool such as with Chatfuel and Manychat where people can post a message in a post on Facebook and then it will automatically direct them to the newsletter in Messenger? For now no, but are definitely willing to build growth features soon. We already provide the code to add a special messenger button on your website in order to allow your visitors to subscribe to your botletter. - Also have you implemented a way that you entice people onto your email database should anything happen re Facebook Messenger in the future - I am interested in what you have done to encourage people to do that We are thinking in building an integration with mailchimp. For example, we could prompt the user to also subscribe to your email newsletter after subscribing to your botletter. - I also went over to your page on Facebook to subscribe to your news letter - it asked if I wanted to subscribe - I was anticipating a yes/no button - there was not one so I typed in yes but there was no response in terms of saying I had been added to a list and when I could expect to get the news letter? This is weird, maybe you are using an old version of Messenger? I would suggest to delete the conversation and start again. If it still does not work, send me a message using Crisp live chat on the website and I will be happy to help ;) - and one of the challenges re Messenger is the circular loop people get into when they don;t want to talk to a bot but to the people from the org - how do you manage that process with your app? Yes, at Botletter we don't want to prevent you to talk to your users. That's why our bot just handles the case for newsletters but people can still send you messages whenever you want. These messages will appear in your Facebook page chat admin and you can answer them just as usual. - and is the procing per page or can you have multiple pages against those different plans cumulatively? For now you can only have one page but many agencies contacted us to have more pages. We will add this possibility soon but it will be a premium feature. - I am also wondering what people are doing re their current news letters such as using ConvertKit - are they copying over the content and replicating it in Messenger using your tool? What it the benefit of your tool versus setting up a chat bot without it being a newsletter but delivering the content - I can not see your news letter so can not see how it is formatted. The format on Messenger is a bit different than email so I would suggest to adapt your content to this format (shorter). The benefit of Botletter against a full chat bot developed by Chatfuel for example is that it's a turnkey solution tailored for this particular use case. Thus, we provide detailed analytics about the behavior of your subscribers and you will be able to create and send your newsletter in a easier way.
Robin Good

Excellent new distribution channel for your newsletter content: your FB page. Overall too expensive to send messages with it if you have more than 5K fans and want to send more than one message in a month.

I'd love to use and promote this tool, but its pricing strategy for me it's way too high.


Purpose, simplicity and ease of use


Way too costly for any FB page owner having more than 5K fans

Nicolas Le Roux
Hello Robin, I updated the pricing. It should be easier to understand as it's now 100% based on the number of messages you send per month. I would love your feedback:
Denis Vilar
Looks great! Your websites mentions personal newsletters, can they actually be personalized for each user? What kind of personal data can the bot access?
Nicolas Le Roux
@denisvlr Hello Denis, we provide the full names, language used on Facebook, timezone and a full set of analytics (open rate, click through rate, number of clicks for each botletter etc.). Right now you can only send your message to all your subscribers but we will release soon a feature allowing you to segment and even create fully personalized campaigns.
Ravi Srinivasan
Nice execution @nico_lrx Nicolas. Which platform did you build this on?
Nicolas Le Roux
@ravsydney Hi Ravi, I use this Ruby client for bots on Messenger:
Estelle L-A

It's a great tool to communicate for potential client and be sure your client read your info because messenger notification have better reach than other app.


It's more easy to reach information for potential client


Nothing for now

Liew Zhao-Yao
Seriously, why are you using IP detection to change the name of country in the bottom of page? Made with ❤️In _______ (country) You are lying us at the first place.
Nicolas Le Roux
@liewzy It's a great way to engage with people and start discussion about their interests and how they want to use Botletter.
Liew Zhao-Yao
@nico_lrx You pretend as a maker from our country to increase your engagement, is this what you should do as a growth marketer?
Nicolas Grenié
I have discovered Botletter, as I was looking for a solution to build easily a community around some specific content for a bot community. Email newsletters services are easy to use and setup, but I think Botletter might be one of the first products to offer a newsletter-like experience directly into FB Messenger. If your audience is more on Messenger than on emails (teens, millenials, ...), it totally worth it!
Nicolas Le Roux
@picsoung Thanks for the hunt Nicolas ;)
Tom Benattar
Seems awesome! Congrats 🙌
Nicolas Le Roux
@tombenattar Thank you Tom for your kind words!
Thomas Lesenechal
Looks like a great product, will give it a try ASAP :) congrats !
Nicolas Le Roux
@tlesenechal Cool, let me know what you think when you start using it ;)
Is there an option to create segmented subscriber groups and send specific newsletters to those groups? So once they subscribe, they can choose from pre-defined selectors that would allow us to send targetted newsletters along with a general one.
Nicolas Le Roux
@flowsion Hello, this is a feature we will add in a release by the end of the month. We will also allow premium users to send the botletter at a specific hour in every subscriber's timezone.
Nicolas Le Roux
@flowsion I will, you can also subscribe to our botletter here (we announce there all our updates):
Michael Ohana

smart way to interact with our users, renewed channel to communicate, less spammy then the traditional newsletter


very simple to set up, smart product!


not found any yet

Love the product and have to ask: I'm Finnish, so this "Made with ❤ in Finland" in the footer caught my attention 😄🇫🇮 It's awesome to see this kind of One mMan SaaS -projects come from 🇫🇮 but the name ( @nico_lrx ) suggest that you are not originally from here(?), so what's that all about?
Nicolas Le Roux
@firstname_mrkus Hi Markus, you caught me on this one! I'm a digital nomad so I just decided to display the visitor's location :D It's great to start conversations with my visitors and to know a bit more about what brought them to Botletter... Just like you know ;)
@nico_lrx I Knew it! 😄 Too sleek to be a finn made product 😂 Damn you to get my hopes up 😉 Never the less good luck with the launch 👍🏻
Nicolas Le Roux
@firstname_mrkus Sorry for the fake hopes haha but I might go to live in Finland one day ;)
Nicolas Le Roux
@firstname_mrkus @srebalaji Actually I am staying in Bangalore right now ;)
Julien Noleau
Nice, A little question about the Facebook policy. To be able to send notification to your users after 24hours you need the additional permission "pages_messaging_subscriptions" but Facebook forbids marketing notification using this permission.. so what's the trick ^^ ?
Nicolas Le Roux
@jnoleau Hi Julien, they changed their policy now and are more open to this kind of usage (see their partnership with the nuzzle newsletters). But if a user spams their subscribers, Facebook can always stop their usage of the bot.
Rasmus Brushoj
Looks like an interesting product, also price wise 😉
Nicolas Le Roux
@brushoej Thanks, we want to furnish the best product at the best price!
Bettina R.
You got me with "Made with ❤ in Brazil" ;) My Botletter is up and running already! So cool! EDIT: It took me literally 5 minutes to set this up, there's no learning curve whatsoever (something that normies like me hate hehe) and that's something rare here on PH. People love to build complicated stuff just to appear smarter, but it's exactly the opposite what makes someone look smarter. Insanely good job.
Nicolas Le Roux
@bettinadraws Thank you very much Bettina :D I hope Botletter will quickly move the needle for your business.