Dhanya Bose

Star Admin 2 Pro React - Premium React Admin Template


Star Admin 2 pro React is a React Admin Template with an easily customizable admin template that is well-coded.

By purchasing this template, you will get lifetime access, free updates, and one year of technical support.

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Dhanya Bose
Hey everyone! I’m Dhanya from bootstrapDash! This Star Admin 2 pro React Admin Templates is rare with its visual appearance and high-quality designs. However, it is one of our premium products packed with rich features, especially for react developers. Here are some of the other features of this premium template: ➡ 1 Year Premium Support ➡ Lifetime Free Updates ➡ 7-day money-back guarantee ➡ Dark & Light Dashboards ➡ Cross-browser compatibility ➡ Horizontal & Vertical Layout Here are some helpful links: ➡ Star Admin 2 Pro React Live Demo: https://www.bootstrapdash.com/de... ➡ Star Admin 2 Pro React Product Page: https://www.bootstrapdash.com/pr... ➡ For other free and premium templates: https://www.bootstrapdash.com/ Check out the template and If you have any questions or feedback please let us know,