Templates and Themes for Admin Dashboard & more..
Dhanya Bose
Azia Admin Template — Premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template
Azia admin is a premium Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template packed with a huge collection of reusable UI components.

By purchasing this template you get access to lifetime free updates and customer support upto one year.
Dhanya Bose
Hi Guys! I am Dhanya from BootstrapDash! Azia admin is a lightweight dashboard created with great care to give you the most desired user experience. It is built under the latest Bootstrap 5 framework and has a clean user interface design for easy customization. Here are some of the other features of this premium template: ➡ 7-day money back guarantee ➡ 1000+ icons to choose ➡ 10 different pre-built dashboards ➡ Fully responsive (Valid HTML5 & CSS3) ➡ Cross-browser compatibility ➡ Horizontal and vertical layouts Here are some important links: ➡ Azia Admin Pro Live Demo: ➡ Azia Admin Pro Product Page: ➡ Azia Admin Free: ➡ For other free and premium templates: Check out the template and If you have any questions or feedback please let us know,