Ryan Breslow

Bolt One Click - The simplest and fastest checkout experience for shoppers.


Bolt One Click is a simple, streamlined checkout for shoppers that enables a one-click checkout anywhere—no passwords, no usernames, no entering credit card numbers. The result? Shoppers convert at a 60% higher rate—good for retailers and great for shoppers.

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Ryan Breslow
Hi Product Hunters, I'm super excited to share the evolution of Bolt since our public launch here three years ago! 🙌 We started Bolt with the mission of democratizing commerce by making online buying easy, trusted, and consistent for shoppers. I’m proud to say that we’ve made significant progress towards this goal—we’ve established partnerships with the top e-commerce platforms, built a thriving community of retailers (both big and small), and trust with millions of online shoppers. Today, we’re launching Bolt One Click, the simplest and fastest checkout on the internet. Bolt One Click eliminates the need for shoppers to enter passwords, personal information, and payment details over and over again, so that nothing gets in the way when they want to buy. That’s cool and all, but it’s not the full story... Bolt One Click gives independent retailers a fighting chance against the goliath marketplaces, by enabling them to provide a return-like experience to millions of first-time shoppers. Not only does it free them from the complex tech limitations involved in checkout, it also empowers them to focus on what they do best—delighting their shoppers. Here’s how it works: During your first purchase, you can choose to save your information within the checkout flow. If you do (no pressure either way), then voila: you get a one-click checkout experience next time you shop on that store—and any other store in the Bolt Network (even those you’ve never visited before). Shoppers get a fast checkout anywhere across the growing Bolt network, and retailers benefit from higher-converting shoppers. Everyone wins! I couldn’t have possibly imagined being where we are today just three short years ago, but I am so proud to have had such a supportive team during the journey. Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!
Ty Walrod
This is huge. Thousands of small businesses will benefit massively, and millions of people will have a more seamless, streamlined, less agonizing checkout experience. Well done!
Dominik Sklyarov
https://bolt.eu/en/ isn’t it trademarked? Super popular in EU.
Ryan Hoover
This is super compelling. Even the tiniest friction can have a major impact on engagement and conversion rates in general.
Ryan Breslow
@rrhoover We appreciate it!
Stephen Meyer
Congrats Ryan and team! Innovative product that gets more valuable for retailers as the Bolt network of consumers grows.
Hugo A.
This is really cool but if I remember correctly, I tried to use your product and was told it was only for businesses with more than a million in sales. I forget the exact number but it's not really a # most small businesses obtain. Has that changed because I've been looking for something like this.
Amin Alston
@hugoantunez7 I would really like to know this because I'm looking for something like this. How small is a "Small business"
Ryan Breslow
@hugoantunez7 @azminlo_alstonnp Right now it is over $1M in sales. But, if you're on Bigcommerce, Magento, or WooCommerce, we're soon coming out with a lightweight, self install version for all size merchants!
Michael Doran
Congrats Ryan! Such amazing growth from when we first started working together back at your first office. Keep crushing it!
Ryan Breslow
@sempervigilius Thanks Michael, it has indeed been quite a ride!
Brendan Short
Congrats Ryan and team! 🚀
Nice Product. Congrats team.
Christian Dwarica
This is game changing!! 👏🏼
ASHISH VERMA PGP 2017-19 Batch
It a valuable product but I didn't get how is it different from google form feature I already while using Chrome. My details get save and autofilled most of the time. Would like to know more about it.
Ryan Breslow
@ashish10verma This is agnostic of browser, device, cookies, autofills, independent wallets. Since we own the checkout, you can 1 click no matter your setup.
Grisel Dugarte
Oh this is my dream come true!!!! Hate so much the crazy hassle for shopping online when you are in a hurry (most of the time).
Diamond Joe
Veeresh Devireddy
@ryanbreslow Is there any support for Subscriptions and Dynamic Cart experience with custom pricing?