David Byttow

IO - A light-weight and powerful editor for authentic writing


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David Byttow
https://bold.io/when-truth-is-re... Hello! πŸ‘‹ Today we're launching IO: a free, lightweight editor for creative and authentic publishing. ✍️ It's extremely easy to use and allows you to publish anonymously, under a pseudonym, or as yourself. Our vision is to make writing and sharing your thoughts easier than ever. The editor is a little rough around the edges, so be gentle (many improvements are on the way!). We plan to build on this idea in the coming weeks and months. This is your blank canvas. This project (started only a couple weeks ago!) is brought to you by @meanJim, @SirBenLee, and myself – and we have much more to come in the near future! Meanwhile, please do email me at d@bold.io or iMessage me at 949-278-6005 if you have any questions/suggestions or just want to talk product. :-) Meanwhile, kick the tires at https://bold.io today, bookmark it for later and publish freely any time. πŸ‘Š More info: https://bold.io/about-io-2016-12-06 P.S., this link is fun: https://bold.io/random
Niv Dror
@davidbyttow @meanjim @sirbenlee @bold gotta say, I really enjoyed writing the press release for this tweet on IO.
@nivo0o0 @davidbyttow @sirbenlee @bold it is a genius press release :)
Andrei Oprisan
@davidbyttow @bold very clean editor, saw it's in React. Any plans to open source it?
Chris Church
@davidbyttow, this is beautiful! Would be perfect if the Grammarly extension worked with it. Any chance of that happening in the future?
Om Malik
@davidbyttow Looking forward to trying it :)
Jack Dweck
Congrats on the launch, @davidbyttow. I love the ambience feature. πŸ’―
David Byttow
@jackdweck thanks! That was a fun little experiment. :)
Laszlo Levente MΓ‘ri
What are the differences between IO and Telegraph? To me both seem to be the same 😁
David Byttow
@noxowe Telegraph is cool! I think both have similar goals, we started simple just like Telegraph, but are going in a different direction (I think). Of course, we also put a lot more emphasis on Twitter (with Twitter auth) and some cool stuff to follow. Watch this space!
Laszlo Levente MΓ‘ri
@davidbyttow Yeah social integrations could help distinguish, just at first when I launched the app it looked almost the same as Telegraph (at least what I remember from like a month ago when it launched and clicked on it)
David Byttow
@noxowe I agree! But I think we look better. 😎
Tom Pryor
@davidbyttow what is the different direction?
Ryan Hoover
Last month @davidbyttow mentioned on Facebook: This looks much different than Secret but follows a similar mission. @davidbyttow -- Is IO an experiment for your new startup, Bold, or is this what you've planned from the beginning when you started the new venture?
David Byttow
@rrhoover hey Ryan, I wish I could say this has been part of a master plan, but this is something we decided to do just a couple weeks ago with the technology we had built for Bold. There's a few more things we have in store over the coming months that build on this idea. Step one was to release the simplest form of our editor possible to the community and get feedback. Excited! To be clear, this is not what I was referring to in this post, that's coming and this will fit into it. (sorry for being all mysterious, haha)
Ryan Hoover
@davidbyttow no worries. :) I like that you've combined features from similar publishing tools, like Hemingway Editor and Noisli. Now can you add an AI bot to do all the writing for me? πŸ™πŸΌ
James Zhang
IO/Bold easily has the best writing & editing experience on the web. πŸ‘
@jamesfzhang πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ , we look up to you guys!
Kabir Shah
This looks absolutely beautiful! I love how it has ambience settings, a Hemingway editor, Twitter auth. The editor itself is awesome. It's a really great product πŸ‘Œ
David Byttow
@kingpixil Thank you Kabir! πŸ™
@kingpixil I love that too!
Ghost Kitty
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Ben South Lee
@levibostian Hey Levi, love that you're enjoying it so far! We definitely intend to fast-follow this release with the ability to export in markdown. Currently, the only way to save your post permanently is by publishingβ€”however, the last post you've worked on will be saved to your browser's local storage. A Twitter account is not a requirement to publish!
Ben South Lee
@xnutsive @levibostian Hey Nate! You can now download any of your published posts as markdown from the 'options' menu :)
Yousif Aldujaili
Love the idea of anonymous publishing to test my ideas & content before putting a name to it! Question @davidbyttow - if Medium adds that as a feature, does it change anything?
David Byttow
@seffa121 Exactly! My little brother has been doing this with his friends on IO and loving it. As for Medium, I think it would be difficult to just add this as a feature to a product that is so far entrenched in its own network. That said, I don't think so because we have some cool stuff coming down the pike!
Yousif Aldujaili
@davidbyttow that's fair. I think the two could compliment each other quite well too (test on IO, publish on Medium?) Can't wait to see what else you have & start using IO :D Thanks for giving us this David!
James McAulay
Inline Hemingway assistant is so awesome! Nice work, guys. Already published 😁 https://bold.io/boldio-launches-...
David Byttow
@jamsusmaximus thank you! Just wait until you see our next assistant! :-)
James McAulay
@davidbyttow can you give any hints? ;)
Igo Akulov
Love it, love it, love it! Minimalism, built-in Hemingway and ambient sounds, which you could think is just a gimmick, but fits so bloody well!
@igoruphere thank you for those kind words!
David Byttow
Hey all, was just reading your feedback and just rolled out a new change: If you add #hidden or #private to your posts, they won't appear in /random or /latest. Enjoy!
Erik Torenberg
Congrats on the launch @davidbyttow ! πŸ˜„ can you talk about the evolution from secret and what inspired you to go this direction with bold, out of all the things you could have built?
David Byttow
@eriktorenberg Thanks Erik! The inspiration for this was pretty straightforward: It's the intersection of the fact that we built some cool technology paired with a beautiful design (for companies) and that I believe in safe spaces to publish ones thoughts. I just want to bring this tech to everyone in the most simple way possible, and go from there. The biggest difference with IO versus something like Medium/Secret/etc is that there is no network by design (currently). It's up to the author to share however they see fit. That said, this is only step one of many steps that we intend to take as this particular project was started less than two weeks ago. :-)
I love the /random link :) to the point that i wrote my first ever chrome extension to add it as a button to chrome https://bold.io/my-first-ever-ch...
David Byttow
@valereonmobile hah nice! Love this.
David Byttow
@valereonmobile you should publish it!
@valereonmobile that is AWESOME.
@davidbyttow Ah ah, i am trying. Thx to allow me to do it. For now it seems to be still processing Edit: Get it here https://chrome.google.com/websto...
Dustin Richard Locke
This is so beautiful. I just wonder why Twitter themselves haven't already built something similar. Seems like it would solve the tweet storm problem. Regardless, great work.
@dustinlocke I totally agree! I'd like to take some time to explore the IO to Twitter experience.
Dainis Kanopa
David, Nice done! Did a post in 1 min, check here: https://bold.io/web-design-tunes...
Niv Dror
I love the focus on the words being written, and not the person that is writing them. Much needed on the internets. Very interesting use of selective anonymity being able to switch the Twitter account on and off.
Ariel Cohen
Hey @davidbyttow, I really love the interface & ambience add on - works great with my ADD :) πŸ’― What I could not really understand is the need / purpose for anonymous publishing.
Marius Masalar
Terrific writing experience. Could you provide some hints at where this is heading though? I like the anonymity option, but I also like the interface enough to want to explore using it as an actual blogβ€”any plans to facilitate that? Post archives, custom URLs, etc.? Nothing too crazy, just a bit of extra structure around identity to make it possible, kind of like Svbtle did.
@mostlymarius I think the obvious first step for us was to take something that we built for companies, and demonstrate that it is viable for the simplest use case: saying whatever you want freely. There are a lot of possibilities for the future. I like your ideas! I'd like to think we're focused on providing a tool to freely express and publish on IO. Then with CO focusing on standing out and understanding the voice within your organization.
Brilliant concept and execution, congratulations; deeply impressed with the UX, UI and possibilities of such a simple but elegant tool. Thank you.
@alancbristow thank you Alan! πŸ™Œ
Can't help but fall in love with minimal things that work beautifully. I must say this is indeed, *Bold*! @davidbyttow thanks for making it πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Can't wait to check out https://bold.co as well, looks very interesting. See you on Slack 😸