Money can buy happiness. There’s just one catch: you have to spend it on experiences. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new boat or a new iPhone, no matter how good a purchase makes us feel, we eventually drift back to our baseline level of happiness. After some period of time, it is not the boat that makes us happy, but rather the experiences that the boat enables that generates sustained happiness.
We saw how so many people weren’t using their boats because they didn’t want to deal with the hassle of maintenance, cleaning or taking the ride to the fuel dock. Some couldn’t find a good mechanic or enough free time to keep their boats seaworthy, while others shared horror stories about their experiences with unqualified and unreliable service providers. We knew there had to be a better way, so we built one.
The Boatyard App provides boat owners with the ability to order fuel, boat washing, maintenance and any other service they need with a few clicks on their mobile device, delivering boater happiness on-demand.
Compelling idea that I believe serves an untapped need - it took me a few page clicks to notice the limited-location availability in your footer, might be a good addition to FAQ as well - was first place I looked. Also, further detail on what services can be provided while vessel is on land vs. at dock, vs. in the water / on a mooring etc. might help. When I first saw the link I had grand visions of drink and fuel delivery while the boat was in the water ;-) Helping people at beginning and end of season do launch / winterizing (when places are most heavily booked) may also be an interesting offering. I look forward to seeing your support expand to other areas.
@jydesign Thanks for the feedback. We'll add availability to FAQ today. Right now, all of our services are provided on land, however we plan to add some on-water services in the future. We are definitely going to be incorporating launch/winterization services as we expand north. We look forward to serving you soon.
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